"Bart!" There is never enough time to enjoy a good round of Rugby. He could see the ball rapidly closing into his position. Its rotation is a perfect bullet that rode the wind like a surfing board. Bart felt himself rushing with adrenaline as he cocked his momentum back and sprung into the sky as he embraced the ball into his grasp and landed softly on his feet with eyes forward that reached into the try line. The hammer is cocked. Gun was ready to fire. The trigger is pulled and Bart sprung into a mighty sprint that caught his rivals off guard as they attempt to close the distance between them. Simultaneously... The sound of a bell struck everyone's ears as they slowed and become discouraged to chase after Bart. He is too deep into the moment and rushed past the try line where when he turned; saw that nobody was really playing anymore. His team however, did approach him with a flurry of cheers. Thus, he had made a satisfactory first impression as he followed with the others cheering for their team's win and gathered their bags dispersing into their classes. What were their names again? Oh shoot. With the realisation that he'd forgotten to ask for their names... He hurried off into his new classroom reaching in time prior to the teacher's appearance. It is a simple rectangular classroom littered with a pattern of aged wood and cold iron they call a desk and chair that faced towards him, a greeting he was all familiar with from Primary school. There seemed to be no seating order designed for the students anywhere near the door! He was free to choose a window seat and did so by the third row where he set his bag beneath the table and had a leisurely seat. The others followed suit. With the little time he had; he seemed to have seen more girls than there were boys in his classroom. "Good morning class! Please settle down promptly before we begin! "The teacher is here?" Bart swore he didn't see anyone that [i]looked[/i] like a teacher walk in. Yet, there she is. She held a lengthy ruler by her right hand gesturing a tapping motion on her left as if clapping of sorts. Features that looked like a child and a head that seemed waayy too oversized for someone of her stature. Judging by her height, she must be standing on the top level of a step ladder. Those hazel eyes she had was quick to scan each faces of the new students; Bart saw them dart into him for a split second before it deviated to another student in front of him. The students were caught into silence. They must've thought exactly of the same things Bart did. "Very good. Now, allow me to introduce myself-- I am..." "What are you doing by the teacher's podium? There's plenty of seats here!" A student on the far corner shouted across the room aloud followed by a wave of laughter. While the teacher remained calm with her expression as a feeling of thunderous contempt began to fill the room. Bart's hairs stood on end and he felt tense, uneasy. Everybody felt the static; written in their faces of sheer astonishment but fearing to move an inch of their body as though the possibility of becoming electrocuted was present. "Well then... Young man. Why don't you come up here and introduce yourself first, huh?" A smirk that pierced the nerves of that boy's brains as he stood up with an awkward stance and shambled his body in front of the class as if a puppeteer had controlled his limbs. There he was standing awkwardly in front of the entire group of students as this... Teacher began to strike her ruler at the boy's stance. "Go on then! Introduce yourself! What's your name? What's your favourite colour? What makes you cry and sob at night 'til you're asleep? Hmm?! Don't embarrass yourself in front of your classmates! Stand tall and keep your neck straight!" The ruler whipped the boy to submission as he began to stutter and made a fool of himself during his introduction. The poor guy crawled back to his seat in pain as the teacher returned to her post and began speaking once again. "Now where was I before I was interrupted... Oh yes. My name is Ms. Vivian Weaver. You may address me as Fifi for short! I will be your Home room teacher and your Science professor for the rest of the year. However! Since today is your first day being in high school, you will be taking a tour around the school to get you familiarised with all of the facilities and I will be your guide for the entire day! Nice to meet you all!" The entire class was silent. Bart too, is silent with the expression of a slightly disturbed animal. For fear of electrocution.