Angela stopped rambling as she sensed a darkness she Couldn't explain then looked to Julia as she spoke she continued to follow her until she saw the tree of life she listened to Julias warning. "spirits hear my plea i call upon the spirit of the earth Gaia and spirit of sound Echo" Angela stopped what she was doing when she heard the sound of grenades going off in the background. She looked on in sheer horror as some naive fool set of incendiary explosives creating a magic fire. Angela couldn't help but facepalm. She let out a deep sigh and continued. "ok spirit of wind Storm, Spirit of Water Aqua and Spirit of Light Celestia lend me your strength" With that the 1080 beeds began to glow and two spirits appeared in front of her. Echo [img][/img] Gaia [img][/img] Aqua [img][/img] Storm [img][/img] Celestia [url=][img][/img][/url] She held out her left hand as the four of the five spirits became spirit balls and flew around her hand. "Spirit Control." With that she placed Echo into the blade of her sword, Storm into the hilt, Aqua into her right wrist band and Celestia floated into the wristband of her left hand. Then Gaia became an orb and floated into her left hand. "Spirit Fusion" She then placed Gaia inside her chest as the two temperaily became one. As she did she grew wings on her back. She looked to Ryteb with a soft smile as she saw him trying to protect the Tree of Life. Her wings began to flutter as she flew towards the tyfoon she swung her scabbered creating a blast of wind which forced open a hole in the tyfoon allowing her to fly into the eye of the tyfoon. Once there she held out her right hand creating a oceans worth of water that was sucked up by a tyfoon and turning it into a tsunami. She then swung her scabbered again releasing a powerful blast of wind that would fly out in all directions around her as she did the tyfoon was blown apart, sending the water all over the forest as it crashed down in waves dousing the fire. She then held out her left while still holding the scabbered hand as she did the light of heaven would expand covering the entire forest, healing the damage and restoring all the damaged trees Then she channeled the power of Gaia and brought new life back to the trees that were completely destroyed. The trees would sprout up and go to their original form. While Angela flew above the tree of life she looked down to the others "Lay down your weapons, this is not a fight with brute force." Angela then glared at Gunter her usual calm and relaxed demeanor replaced with anger and disgust. "I think I should explain what Julia meant earlier. When she said if the Guardian dies and so does the Tree and Forest, she meant if one dies so do the others. All three are connected. If you protect the tree and save the guardian by burning down the forest the other two will still die. So to reiterate, don't burn the the fucking forest!" Angela then let out another deep sigh as she calmed herself Then the sword in her right hand began to vibrate creating a soft and soothing melody. As she did she using the power of Gaia she linked her soul to the tree of life. Her eyes turned white as the tree of life began to speak through her. While the song played the dragons' minions stopped and looked to Angela