Dree stiffened as the black and white wolf's eyes snapped open and looked directly at her. She didn't recognize this wolf and he wasn't brown and black like the rest of her pack was. His scent was unfamiliar and mixed with the smell of the wild flowers in the meadow that surrounded them. Dree considered sprinting away and running from the male wolf, but for some reason she was frozen in place, watching the wolf and looking deeply into his strange and vibrant blue eyes. She tried to regain her composure and project her thoughts asking for his name and where he came from into his mind, but got nothing. This must be a wolf from a different pack since she couldn't communicate with him through the mind. This intrigued her. She never before met another wolf that she couldn't speak with using her mind. They sat in silence for a moment, just watching each other as they tried to communicate through thoughts. Dree relaxed a bit as she realized she was not in danger. If this wolf was going to attack, he would have already. Dree's heart was still beating hard. She didn't know why she was feeling this way. Usually when she met stray wolves that wandered from their packs it was all game to attack. Being a member of the Ferox pack, it was normal and expected to always attack wolves of other packs since friendships outside of our own pack was forbidden. Being the most aggressive wolf pack in the known land, this was a reputation that was honored and expected to be upheld. But, Dree couldn't help but stare this wolf in the eyes in curiosity.