[quote=@BCTheEntity] [@ClocktowerEchos] Exceptionally strong shamen of Ogre society kidnap a young dragon, cut its head off, then perform a bizarre ritual to merge their bodies into the stump, turning them ageless, ever-growing, and granting them certain electrical magicks, namely the ability to absorb lightning, at the cost of most of their magical association with the Great Maw, even up to their immense round gut, which is sadly replaced with some weird ten pack dealie. That, and the need to sleep for increasing periods of time the larger and older they get, as in canon. [/quote] Neato, although why would they do it to begin with? Maybe originated as some Firebelly attempting to skip the whole "lava eating" thing and thought that if dragons could breath fire, and if eating dragons couldn't give him fire powers, then maybe merging himself with one would do the trick and thus got a Shaman to do it. Of course than that didn't work out quite the way he expected but it did give rise to Dragon Ogre to which various Tyrants have had repeated on certain followers or even themselves. My question now is how/why would they have lightning? Also: [quote=@BCTheEntity] even up to their immense round gut, which is sadly replaced with some weird ten pack dealie. [/quote] This basically sounds like a magical ogre liposuction operation.