Cs WIP Name: Ember Gender: Male Age: 20 Appearance: [img]http://orig01.deviantart.net/7a96/f/2011/260/d/c/the_blacksmith_by_kjngrafix-d4a4xen.jpg[/img] Ember is 8ft tall Personality: Ember is practical, hardworking and shrewd business man who makes a living as a blacksmith he will make anything for anyone as long as they can give him suitable compensation ever with money or trade. Ember also a business on the side as a mercenary mostly as a hobby to help keep his fighting skills sharp Bio: Parent: Hephaestus Power and Abilities: Able to create and control fire. Able to reshape and manipulat metal. Able to create enchanted weapons and armour. Has enhanced strength. Likes: Dislikes: Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Weapons: his hammer and anvil his anvil has a long chain attached to it to make it easier to carry. Theme Song: Other: his hammer and anvil have been enchanted with the power to absorb fire/heat and convert, amplify and release the energy, as well as the ability to fly to him on command in case he is ever disarmed in battle.