Alright, here's a character. ^_^ [hider=Rena Narim] [hr] [center][color=ed1c24]Rena Narim[/color][/center] [hr] [center][IMG][/IMG][/center] [center][i]Rena is a sixteen year old mage, with long brown hair, often tied back in a bright yellow bow and amber eyes. She stands in at five foot even., and has olive colored skin. She prefers to wear a skirt and button down combination for day to day wear.[/i][/center] [hr] [center]Personality[/center] [hr] Rena is extremely goal oriented, and once she has her eyes on a prize, there's absolutely nothing she won't do to get it. There was once a time in her life where she was meek and not at all one to speak up for herself, and she's vowed to never be that again. People may call her bossy, hard headed, or even bitchy, but no matter what, people can agree that she knows how to get things done. She knows how to use everything she has to her advantage, and knows not only how people tick, but how to get in their heads. When interacting with people that aren’t directly opposing her goals, she’s very personable and friendly. She come off as a bit of a hardass, but only to the point that she likes to maintain a semblance of control over the interaction. If she’s in a conversation, she’ll try, in some shape or form, to either be the leading voice, or to have at least chosen the topic. She still tolerates and respects opinions outside of her own, but that doesn’t mean she won’t try not to change somebodies mind. She’d rather understand why a person think’s differently than her, than to disagree and hate them. [hr] [center]Biography[/center] [hr] Life isn't easy growing up in the Maefield, not when your family barely has enough money to make rent every month. Rena Narim’s parents were, as fate would have it, not the model parents With an unemployed father, and a mother who was providing paycheck to paycheck though secretarial work in the pearl district, she wasn’t quite able to have an enjoyable childhood. Her father was horribly neglectful to her to the point where, it was always up to her mother to make sure that she was taken care of, her father not being assed enough to care about her. On the other hand, Rena’s mother cared as much as she could for her, but she wasn’t able to be around during the day, meaning the time between the two of them were limited. Most nights, dinner was whatever was quickest and easiest and cheapest, which meant frozen, reheatable slop. The hour or so that Rena would actually get to spend with her mother as a small child were very formative for her, and helped her develop an intense bond with her as most nights, this would be the only real human interaction she’d have during the day. Because of this, and her family’s economic situation, Rena’s mother decided that more children wouldn’t be in their future. Rena became more and more self-reliant as she aged, realizing something that would become the core tenant of her childhood. Do not rock the boat. Her mother needed not be distracted with the complaints of a child. This realization came from how tired she saw her mother every day, and how happy she seemed to be when Rena was happy. She didn’t want to take the from her, and as such, she decided that any problems she had that weren’t horribly serious, needed to be kept to herself. However, Rena was still very much a child, and children invariably get bored if they can’t be provided distractions. Given this, and that her father would neither care nor notice if she slipped out of the house, she ended up making daily trips to the library not too far from her house. There, she found entertainment in the books and people she’d meet there. Given how much time she ended up spending reading, she ended up doing wonderfully academically speaking. However, her social life outside of the library was lacking to say the least. She knew that if she acted out at school and it come home to her parent’s, her mom would be the one who would have to deal with it, meaning she minimized interaction with her peers there. Given this, she didn’t have many friends growing up. She was ok with this though, in the end, she saw it as a sacrifice she was making for a woman who was already doing so much for her. As school went on, she found a passion in writing, and making stories. Perhaps it was the natural aptitude she seemed to have, or maybe it was just an escape for her, but at any rate, she quickly found that her favorite way to pass time, was to write. She crafted worlds in her words, and eventually went on to write borderline books by the time she was 12. And as she wrote more and more, she realized her own discontent with where she was in her own life. She thusly began to look for a way out, and she eventually landed on Fortuna’s as her best option. Firstly, it was a boarding school, meaning that she would get to change her environment, and she wouldn’t have to worry about burdening her mother any more, and secondly, it WAS one of the top schools in the world, and would help her get ready to have a better life than the ones her parents led. So, she applied, and with her perfect grades, and her literary abilities, she got in with a full ride. When she got to Fortuna’s, for the first time in her life, she felt truly free. Sure, she had to make sure to keep her grades up, but she had a chance to reinvent herself. Rena had lived knowing what poverty was like, and she never wanted to experience that again. She decided that she wanted to be a winner. She found her voice, and made sure to use it. She took a position as a junior officer on the student council, and did as much as she could to represent her class and keep their voices heard to the council. [hr] [center]Likes[/center] [hr] Success, chess, books, and bumblebees, and tea. [hr] [center]Dislikes[/center] [hr] Failure, bullies, weakness, wasps, and urchins. [hr] [center]Points[/center] [hr] Proficiency: 4 Intelligence: 5 Athletics: 1 [hr] [center]Quiz[/center] [hr] [hider=Quiz] 1. What is your character's dream career? As it stands right now, Rena isn’t quite sure. She knows would love to be a novelist, or perhaps an editor, but she’s enjoyed serving the school as a public official as well, so she could also want to pursue that. 2. Your character is caught telling a lie/cheating. How do they react? Rena would immediately try to backtrack on what she said, if possible, and write it off as some kind of mistake. IF she couldn’t do that, she’d try to excuse her behavior in the least damaging way possible. 3. Your character finds out someone close to them has been lying to them. How do they react? It would depend on why. She’d be pretty pissed that a friend would think that they’d need to lie to her about something, but if they could justify it or if it was small enough, she’d forgive them pretty quickly. If it was something major, then she may end up trying to take revenge in some form or another. 4. If your character were given $50, what would they do with it? Save it. If there’s one thing Rena respects and doesn’t waste, it’s money. 5. Someone close to your character gives them something very important and asks them to hold on to it until they come back. However, your character somehow loses it. What do they do? Rena would freak the fuck out. She’d try to replace it as soon as possible if that was possible, if it wasn’t, she’d find herself indebted to them, until such time as she made it up to them. 6. Your character is given the chance to perfect any one talent. What do they choose? Her writing ability, for sure. 7. What is your character’s favourite book or movie genre? Why? Mystery for sure, she loves stories that work her mind in addition to keeping her interested with characters and plot. 8. Who does your character admire/look up to? Her mother is her number one role model. She sees her as hardworking, loving, and fundamentally good. [/hider] [/hider]