[center][h1]The Brave Saints; A DxD RP[/h1][/center] [center][img]https://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/secretworld/images/a/a9/Templar_rank_9.png/revision/latest?cb=20120717212034[/img][/center] [hider=Arcs] Arc 1 - All is well or so it seems *Initial summary* : A rating game is coming up, Camael wants his peerage to be ready as it is against the Seraph Raphael in order to better prove the strength of his group. Meanwhile, a certain suspicious transaction has taken place at the Dockside, leaving the info brokers dead, and the killer without a trace. [/hider] [hider=Locations] [hider= Ermandal City] [hider=The City Center] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ab/a9/a6/aba9a6f31a3aff21b1e2ff4b55d1a957.jpg[/img] The City centre *pictured above* Is a dense segmentation of winding streets and business buildings. It is extremely likely that in at least one ally someone is being mugged, or something supernatural is occuring in one of the underground bars. The Centre represents the idea that the city has two halfs to it, that which the humans see and that which everyone else sees. [/hider] [hider=The Dockside] A shipping yard filled with goods that are transported around the country of Japan, it is commonly frequented by Devils for those shady meetings, the sea beyond the dockside makes an extremely effective location for air battles, as damage to the environment is minimal. [/hider] [hider=The Slums] The high Criminality of the Slum's makes it a place Camael rarely recommends visiting, located near the docks they serve as an infested warren of demons and crime. A faction of Criminal lead by a very strong, very dangerous Oni Patrol the Slum's offering 'protection' if you can pay the price. It also has its own Demonic peerage under the son of said mob boss. The Mob Boss Leader is very protective of his son, and so if anyone does anything to him. They full firepower of the mob will make them suffer. [/hider] [hider=Church of Babel] A church run by a sect of Fallen Angels, as a result of the treaty from the War of the Three Factions, Camael can't do anything about it. So far however these angels have done nothing wrong (to his knowledge) except look shifty in the eyes of the Angel of war. [/hider] [/hider] [hider = Yatsushiro Town] A small town located in Japan, within driving distance of Tokyo [i]More information later if it comes to be a visited location[/i] [/hider] [hider=The Office Building of War] A three floored office building, It is reasonably small, but it used to function as an office building for a small telephone firm. Sadly that business packed up and so Camael brought it to use it as a home base. It ison the very outskirts of the city, on the side next to a large expanse of land. It is fortified via holy magic. [/hider] [i]More in the future[/i] [/hider] [hider=Overall System Information] [hider=Basic Plot synopsis] Many people know of the Evil Pieces and the devil peerages that result from them, that compete in rating games and the like but what about the other half. The angels, those great glorious winged humanoids that believe in the virtue of god. That have also created their own system of reincarnation, The Brave Saints. This roleplay takes place in an alternate reality to DxD where most of the main cast do not exist or if they do have been altered in some form. The premise? Well, your now a Brave Saint. It is time to participate in the Angel's variation of the rating game. In order to increase ones living standards and get access to more support. It is to establish teamwork and to increase the number of angels in heaven (while also creating perfect squads to defend its pearly gates.) such is the system in place. Maybe just maybe, This little angelic peerage can rise to become heavens greatest warriors... but for now its time to rest easy, after all the massive majority of the group has a long way to go before it can even dare to claim such a title of recognition. Though they can try. In the lords name, Pray that we will be able to defend heaven against what may come... Amen. [/hider] [hider=Brave Saint System] The Brave Saint allows the Angels to reincarnate or angelize humans or other races into Angels. It is unknown if each card has different traits and values like the Evil Pieces. The Brave Saints, however, are known to have many special effects which comes from actual card games like Poker and blackjack. The Brave Saint system, just like the traits of each of the chess pieces of the Evil Pieces have their own special ability and are based on card games, for example “Black Jack”. Each suit gathers reincarnated angels and then make it 21. For example each suit prepares reincarnated angels with the number 4, 6, and 10 and if they make them team up with the Ace (1) and cooperate with them, they would be able to unleash overwhelming power. As a result of this linking. This is fundamentally different from the evil piece system, where as anyone can topple the King in the game of chess but in this case one must work well with ones team in squads in order to have the best chance of winning in the angels version of a rating game. Also, added in is the Poker’s system as well. The five High-level angels or Seraphs who are the Kings gathers representing their cards from Ace to Queen and by forming a ‘hand’ it will give birth to a certain power. The good point is that this will not only work amongst the ones in the same group but also with other groups which will make it possible to teamwork with other groups (the effect, however, will be stronger if it is between the same group members). The Joker card is the equivalent of a mutation piece in the evil piece system. It is a card of immense versatility, as the joker has both a point value of 0 and 12, they can easily fill out groups to buff the overall groups power as the more links made, the stronger the group. They can also use their secondary value of 12 to finish groups to achieve Blackjack, the only issue with the joker is that they cannot form 'hands' and thus are limited to only supporting their own group. [hider=Point Values] Royals: 10 points each (King, Queen, Jack) Numbers: (whatever value they have printed, so 2 = 2) Ace: 1 or 11 Joker: 0 or 12 [/hider] [/hider] [hider= Being a Angel] All Angels have light projection that can cause severe damage to Devils, and can create numerous light-based weapons such as spears, arrows, and swords, with the spear being the most commonly used weapon. Angel also have the ability of flight through their feathered wings, their wings are also shown to be capable of retracting into their backs as if they've disappeared completely. Certain powerful high ranking Angels also has special holy abilities unique to themselves such as Uriel's ability to control Holy Flames and Baraqiel's power of Holy Lightning. Like Devils, all Angels have a unique ability which allows them to communicate with different people from around the world without the language barriers. [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] Character Quote: (Give an example of what the character would be like) Appearance: Image/Faceclaim (be sure to provide additional information beneath it) Name: (States for itself) Age: (Also states for itself) Former Race: (what race was they prior to becoming an angel.) Race: (This is most likely going be angel, but could be a fallen angel in some exceptions, include number of wings as that is a indicator of power.) Card: (What card is your character a representative of) Notable Skill's: (Things that anyone can learn given time and effort) Holy Sacraments: (swords/other items used by the church to enact gods will, usually you will only have one if you have been reincarnated as an angel.) Equipment (Items that aren't church based) Sacred Gear: (Include only if applicable, only humans can have sacred gears as that was god's will) Magic: (Fill, If only applicable, considering this is angels, curses and other inherently negative magic is off limits but that doesn't mean it can't be destructive. Just keep it within reason.) Personality (how do they act, what type of person are they? what strengths and weaknesses do they have as a person.) History: (Try to keep it in line with someone whom would become an angel, IE no murderers, though thats not to say you don't have to have not killed. As long as its justified.) Other: (Anything I might have missed) [/hider] [/hider] [Hider=Example Character and the King of Spades] Check first post of the character section [/hider] [hider=Currently Claimed Cards] King - Camael Queen - Schwertleite Jack - Alexander 10 - Christoffer 9 - Teshiko 8 - Reserved 7 - Reserved 6 - Surial 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - Akemi Ace - Alice Joker - Reserved [/hider] [hider=Discord Chat for Discussions in order to make it more flowing] https://discord.gg/rDXrDUm [/hider]