[hider=Camael, The Angel of War] [center]"The unending fighting of the few is necessary for the good of the many, Onward!"[/center] [img]http://orig01.deviantart.net/bd95/f/2011/084/b/9/cv__julius_belmont_redesign_by_kurkoboltsi-d3cge38.jpg[/img] Name: Camael/Camiel: The Angel of Strength, Courage and War. Nickname: Camy Age: N/A, he doesn't like to say. Though to put it in perspective, he was around before God died in the world of DxD Race: Seraph - 12 Winged Angel. Card: King of Spades Notable Skill's: [hider=Combative Skills] As the Angel of War, it is obvious that he would have refined and mastered numerous combative skills. He is extremely potent at CQC, using a mixture of techniques he has seen combined with his own millennial experience on the field of battle to deliver powerful ruthless strikes, while not leaving an opening in his defence. He is capable of taking any position on the battlefield though he does lean towards being a soldier on the front lines. Fighting with everything he has to secure victory. [/hider] [hider=Flying] He is proficient at both flying upon his wings, capable of some rather spectacular aerial movements, while also carrying someone whom weighs the same as him while he is wearing full body armour. Safe to say his superhuman strength allows him to perform such actions, because of this experience of flight, he makes as much as a fearsome aerial combatant as he does one on the ground. [/hider] [hider=Medicinal Aid] Due to his experiences his of war and his duty as the angel of war, he is capable of providing battlefield support to those injured. His healing methods are not to completely heal the injury as that takes time but rather stabilise and patch them up so that they can continue fighting. So for instance if they had broken their leg. He would splint it, give them some fast acting pain killers, help them to their feet. Give them back their weapon and tell them to go on the defensive. That is not to say he isn't capable of helping someone recover fully but usually on a battlefield, he isn't really capable of applying that rest and recovery in the midst of a fight. [/hider] Holy Sacraments: A bottle capable of blessing any water placed within it, Useful in case one is fighting someone of the demonic sort as splashing said water on a devil really hurts them (bottle pictured on his belt). [hider=Passion's Scourge (also pictured)] One of the whips used to whip Christ during his travel to his death, The reason why this whip is revered as a holy object is the notion of purity that comes from one receiving the whip. To be whipped by such a whip is a purifying experience, though it is still Painful, [/hider] He has a suit of armour blessed by the holy that he hasn't worn since the Crusades ended. The armour is contains blessings of additional protection to the wearer above that of normal armour not that he really needs it considering his prowess for war but when it becomes needed it shows that he has become truly serious. Equipment: [hider=First Aid Kit] A first aid kit contain medical supply's that he likes to have nearby. Usually doesn't carry it himself though and so might pawn it off to another saint. [hider=Contents] The standard contents of a millitary grade first aid kit + 3 shots of Universal Adrenaline (It can be injected into anything and adjusts itself to that person structure, mostly because certain species need a lot more to stabilise.) [/hider] [/hider] Magic: [hider=The Sword of Yahweh] This is a magic unique to Camael, it allows him to draw forth the sword of the god. A sword that should only be drawn when no other option can be chosen, he must even offer the enemy a chance to flee before the sword can be drawn. Once drawn the sword emits an immense beacon of energy, similar to the type given off by Light Projection, but of a more intense degree, to the point where it can be described as a sword made of the sun. Because of the energy given off by the sword, it weakens demons and evil things in its mere presence but that is not the primary effect of the sword. The primary effect of the sword is how it scales depending on who wields it against who, to put it simply if a normal angel was to lift the sword not only would it's weight adjust to suit them, but its power would shift to become more manageable, usually a large decrease however thats not to say it loses much effectiveness if used against its intended targets of heretics and those who have abandoned the path of god. Against such people, whom have no chance of salvation, the sword Will slay them if it is swung within reach of them. Usually this allows even a weak angel to take on a higher level threat but in the hands of Camael it becomes a weapon capable of *devastating* any being that has fulfilled the definition of a heretic. Though he still rarely draws it, as the smart ones run away. It is said that an enemy killed by this sword does not go to heaven or hell, their soul is simply erased... Note: The sword is unable to be drawn inside of a church, due to a church being a sanctuary. Though if that church has say... been ransacked and destroyed by fallen angels. Its not longer a holy place and the sword can be drawn when it is needed. Secondly, the sword cannot pierce or harm, someone without the intent to sin and whom hasn't sinned. It is physically incapable of doing so, meaning it is unable to harm angels. Usually. [hider=Image][img]https://924jeremiah.files.wordpress.com/2016/10/108.jpg?w=630&h=473 [/img][/hider] [/hider] [hider=Light Projection] All Angels have this ability, Camael is pretty noticeable for having a distinct mastery over it when it comes to the creation of constructs of war such as swords, Bows, bucklers and in some cases chain mail with Knuckledusters (for those real tight fits). What he prefers to make appears very old fashioned but one cannot argue with reliability in a battlefield scenario. His mastery comes from just how strong the constructs he creates are when compared to other angels of lesser rank, he can also produce them en mass due to his power as a seraph, creating a countless number of thrown holy projectile. In some cases the weapons are capable of cleaving through other weapons of (Fallen) Angel's and demons. Though that is unlikely to occur unless the (Fallen) Angel/ Demon is sufficiently weaker then him. It is obviously much more effective against demons but it still remains his go to method of combat. [hider=Overloaded Light Projections] Due to his inherent powers as a Seraph and being example of an apex of the angel species. He has formulated this type of attack through countless battles, what it does is that it sacrifices the penetrating power of a weapon or projectile and instead causes it to detonate on contact with an object or after a certain time. This detonation produces a large amount of energy similar to an explosion but with no natural fragments within. It is purely a large concussive blast of heat and energy. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Long Range Communication] An effective magic that has helped him out of some tough spots, the long range communication effectively functions as a way of broadcasting thought messages to people willing to receive them, It is very hard to tap into such a connection as a third party but not impossible. It has happened before. [/hider] Personality: War what is it good for? Well, War is necessary in order to protect the world from falling to heretic downfall, at least Camael believes that to be the case, Camael is indifferent to the fighting of humans devils or angels. It was what he was born to do himself. He aligns himself to the cause that can be seen as good, the one that god would likely choose if given no other option. He is always up for a fight. Such is his nature. Fighting aisde, he can be seen as a rather unique individual, he follows the rules of the scripture, but bends them as much as he can manage, in order to best fulfil his role as one of the strongest warriors in all of heaven. Still even if he has his own way of the sword he can be seen as a rather fatherly individual, treating others under his leadership as if they were his own flesh and blood. Granting them the utmost best he can offer them, and training them to protect themselves and become powerful warriors in their own right. While he may have his love of war however, that is not to say he is completely emotionally fortified like some superhuman, his mentality does have a weakness. While he can be seen ans an almost unstoppable juggernaut that you would really not want to take hostage or anger. Those that he knows are likely not as strong. The best way to make the castle fall after all. Is it to take it out brick by brick until it crumbles. History: It was 3000 years prior, the seraphs had protested him fighting, but his face too kind. His words too knowing. He was like a father to all angels. He was the holy father and he fell in a war. Camael wished he had been there instead of leading a small battalion against a larger horde of their traitor brethren. Of course he had won the battle against such a overwhelming odd but that didn't change the greatest loss that they had ever experienced. It was this moment that changed him. Other angels turned to the right hand of god for guidance but this seraph decided to grieve, he had earned the right too. It was a grieving that took a hundred years. When he had came out however, he was resolved. He was going to follow the path of god righteously and hold up the lords beliefs. Those that use his name in vain will not no the loss the angels felt. They will feel the Angel of War's wrath upon them. Such was his resolve, that many of his story revolved around his protection of the faith and his belief that one must not be afraid to resort to violence in protection of the weak members of the faith. He was the shield of the faithful in their time of great strife. The angel of war. In modern times however, he has mellowed out more to have a bit more care for the soldiers under his leadership outside of war. After all, his comrades have his back as much as he has theirs and being a complete Jackass would only result in him becoming betrayed. He has only rather recently become the King of his own set of Brave Saints stationing them in a vacant office building that he brought using his funds from his service in war. he expects them to become the best they can ever become. To defend the faith as he has done for countless years, true allies on the field of battle. "In the name of the lord, we swords that grant sanctuary to his followers, Thy will be done." Other: [i]When your over 4000 year old and still a virgin[/i] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJ-QLl5qjLg]Theme Song[/url] [/hider]