[hider=Sergeant Jane Kelly] [center][color=00aeef]"In the name of the Lord, I will save my comrades and protect the defenseless."[/color][/center] Appearance: [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/1IwM7o7l.jpg[/img][/center] [center]Jane is about 5'6 with a athletic build, usually in shape. When in civilian garb, she is in jeans and a T-shirt normally, sometimes a long-sleeve shirt if the weather is cold enough and a jacket over top. She also has a necklace with the christian cross on it draped over her neck.[/center] Name: Jane Kelly Age: 22 Former Race: Race: Human Card: Notable Skill's: [color=00aeef]Discipline-[/color] Jane Kelly has discipline and knows how to follow orders well. [color=00aeef]Firearms proficiency-[/color] Kelly is proficient in most firearms, most notably assault rifles and handguns. She was officially qualified for use of the M9 service pistol and the M4A1 when she was in the Marines. [color=00aeef]Tactical Assessment-[/color] Jane knows how to look at a situation and give a tactical assessment, adjusting accordingly and changing tactics if necessary. [color=00aeef]Assaultman-[/color] Jane served as an Assaultman for a portion of her tour. This means she is experienced in demolitions and the disarmament of explosives as well as the use of anti-tank weapons. Holy Sacraments: Equipment: M9 Service Pistol(Disassembled where needed) with 5 15-shot magazines, Combat knife, Kevlar vest worn underneath her jacket, Military backpack on her person. Sacred Gear: Armor of Retribution: The user of this sacred gear allows the wearer to magically don the armor that most represents them. No matter what kind of armor this is represented as, the wearer gains considerable defense, agility and attack capabilities while the armor is present. Any weapons used in lieu of this armor have increased effectiveness. However, despite its durability if the armor breaks without the user's will the user falls into a helpless stupor. Magic: Personality: Jane Kelly was once a Marine, and thus in her eyes anyone who was in the Marines are always a Marine. Therefore, Kelly has a high sense of camaraderie. Once more, Kelly is a devout follower of Christ, though not to the point of being overbearing. Kelly is willing to put herself into danger if it meant saving another's life though acknowledges that she cannot get herself killed in the process or the act would be moot. Kelly can sometimes be a lateral thinker, sometimes having unorthodox methods to solving a problem though this is not always the case. Jane has been a prisoner of war before and despises leaving anyone behind to be captured. History: Jane Kelly was born in the United States of America, where she lived in a farming community. Her father was that of a former Marine and her mother a country bumpkin turned officer worker. That being said, it was not her parents that turned Kelly into a devout Christian but her grandparents. They always took her to church every Sunday, read her the bible, and even encouraged her to perform in plays about Christ. While going through public school, Jane's grades were decently within the B and A range. While she could have gone through any field she wanted to, Jane instead decided to follow what her father has done and join the Marines at the age of 17. In the Marines, Jane went through the basic training like everyone else, though she noticed all of the debauchery that commonly happened in the Marines. Instead of partaking in it, Jane was one to avoid the worse of it due to her faith. During her tour Jane rose through the ranks as infantry until she reached the rank of corporal, then on her last two years of service she became an Assaultman, spending her last year as a sergeant. In her last year, while clearing an area for landmines and IEDs Jane's squad got ambushed and captured by Islamic extremists. Though her squad was soon split apart, Jane was sent to a makeshift prison facility where she was tortured. Even to this day, Jane could not describe the pain that she had to endure. Jane watched as her comrades were tortured one by one, with herself not able to do anything about it, and then killed right in front of her eyes. Even when she was not done grieving, they still made her go through that pain over and over again. After two weeks, Jane was near her limit with only her devotion to Christ keeping her from breaking when Marine Force Recon raided the location, setting Jane and the survivors of her squad free. To Jane, this meant God did not forsake her and her devotion to the Lord only grew. Still, Jane was broken enough by the harrowing event that when her time came to end her tour, she did so. Though these people were bad, she forgave them for they were ignorant of the Lord. Now, Jane goes on to travel after her tour was finished, visiting different locations each time though always armed just in case events go south. Other: Jane is an avid gun-lover and keeps a collection in her home. She also has an automatic firearms license. [/hider]