[hider=Schwertleite] [center][h3][color=6ecff6]"In the name of Odi-[i]God[/i] I smite thee! You will answer for your sins, demonic filth!"[/color][/h3] [img]https://safebooru.org//images/2115/a601b3c83001141fa5cc702e465f80e1f92829ab.jpg?2204823[/img][/center] Standing at a fairly tall 5'8, Isobel is a good head taller than most other women. The former Valkyrie has long, blond hair with bright blue eyes. Her skin, is fairly unblemished and for the most part people tend to find her fairly attractive, though she doesn't pay them much attention. She doesn't have time for such shenanigans as an angel. When among humans for whatever reason, she can often be found wearing simple clothing consisting of fairly light fashionable jackets over a t-shirt and boots. 'Casual business' can be often used to describe her attire. [b]Name:[/b] Isobel 'Schwertleite' Sinnot Most angels simply call her Schwertleite, and is her preferred name. [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Former Race:[/b] Half-Valkyrie (Father was a human, that is.) [b]Race:[/b] Angel, four Wings [b]Card:[/b] Queen of Spades [s](because I deserve both queens since I am that fabulous)[/s] [b]Notable Skill's:[/b] - Swordsmanship. Schwertleite has been trained by father since she could hold a sword to wield one, and to say she is no slouch is a bit of an understatement. While she perhaps lacks the sheer physical strength certain other angels, demons, and other beings may possess, she more than makes up for it with her magical ability and agility. - Educated. Likewise, her parents spared no expense in her education. She considers herself to be fairly educated in both the realms of the supernatural as well as on earthly topics. That said, she does have very little interaction with humans and human items and technologies and can often get distracted by shiny new earth things. - Flight. Like all Angels, she is capable of flight and has been shown to be fairly agile and dexterous with her wings. While perhaps not possessing sheer speed as some might, she is nothing if not an acrobat. - Surprisingly, she likes to relax by drawing and considers herself to be a bit of an artist. One can often find her sketching landscapes or other members of her peerage stealthily if she can manage it. [b]Holy Sacraments:[/b] [i][b]Fragarach: The Answerer, The Retaliator.[/b][/i] A Legendary sword of Ireland, forged by the Gods and used by many of its heroes - Notably Lugh Lamfada, Cuchuulain, and Conn of the Hundred Battles. It was passed down in Schwertleite's family until it was finally bestowed upon her. The sword itself glimmers with a pale blue light, with a gold hilt and blue blade and is fairly elegant in construction. As a holy sword, the weapon is highly effective against demons and grants the wielder a rather unique set of abilities. When held against a person's throat, they cannot speak a lie and will find moving difficult. By channeling ones magic through it, one is able to channel the wind, and the blade is sharp and can cut through any normal metals with relative ease. Schwertleite's proficiency with the swords more supernatural elements unfortunately leaves much to be desired. While she is skilled with it she still has a long way to go before being anywhere near the level of the swords previous owners. [b]Equipment:[/b] The armored robes she wears, but nothing else much really. [b]Sacred Gear:[/b] N/A [b]Magic:[/b] As a Valkyrie turned angel, Schwertleite possessed immense magical ability of her people and Asgard, and she tends to know this and has no lack of confidence in her abilities. - Light Projection: Like all angels, Schwertleite can use this to create practically anything she wants. Typically, she uses it for offensive purposes such as weapons. In her case, her favorite is a pole-arm of some sort for long-range engagements. If she has need for a boost in close range, she tends to make a second sword, or short spear for mid range engagements. - Ice Magic: Like her father taught her how to wield a sword, her mother taught her magic. She is highly proficient with ice-based magic thanks to her mother. While her mother was definitely proficient with multiple types of magic, Schwertleite has only so far been able to master Ice, thanks to also her focus on swordsmanship so she could inherit Fragarach. Plus, with her magic having Nordic roots her magic tends to be fairly effective against most targets. - Language: And of course, she like all angels possesses an inherent knowledge of any and all languages on earth. [b]Personality[/b] The first thing one would observe in Schwertleite, is that she tends to be a fairly serious and studious person. And when I say serious, I mean serious in [i]everything.[/i] The Valkyrie doesn't half-ass anything be it from studying, training, playing, or fighting. This can make people a bit intimidated by the tall, fairly well-built Gaelic girl. If one happens to meet her in the middle of training or studying, it could leave a fairly bad impression since she'll often be too focused on what she is doing to be friendly, and if interrupted she tends to get cranky. If working with comrades, she will expect the same level of seriousness. Work now, play later. If one meets her in her down time or while she's otherwise indulging in her more leisurely activities, one would find her fairly amicable and a bit of a sassy jokester. This seriousness also extends to battles and fights as well, and she can often get rather caught up in the moment and be rather competitive, and doesn't like others to interrupt her fights either - this can cause massive amounts of problems with her peerage, since she has trouble working together at times and often prefers to do things herself. One major character flaw, however, that [i]any[/i] angel should be highly aware of - is her [i]pride.[/i] She has a tendency to think fairly highly of her skills and abilities, and while she is friendly and doesn't put down other people's skills, any personal insult to her abilities won't be taken well and she strives to be the best at everything she does. She has a deep seated hatred of demons for killing her mother, and will never, under any circumstance co-operate with them, and would do anything to find the whereabouts of her missing father, though she fears the worst. [b]History:[/b] Schwertleite's history would begin with a Valkyrie of dubious importance in the halls of Valhalla. She was a Valkyrie to be sure, and quite skilled at what she did but she was never anything special. Well, unless you count Odin pestering her constantly because he's a pervert, but that's not this story. This one is a rather simple story, really, and one that's not all that unheard of. Her mother fell in love with a human male. An Irishman with some pretty far reaching ancestry all the way back to the time of ancient heroes such as Lugh Lamfada and others. How'd they meet? Well, he just so happened to take a certain holy sword out one day for training and they happened upon each other and decided to see how exactly the other matched up. He may have been a human, but with that sword in his possession apparently he put up a pretty good fight against the Valkyrie. So the two eventually fell in love and blah blah kinky stuff happened blah blah and then Schwertleite was born. Schwertleite, unlike most other valkyries wasn't born as a half god, though she still possessed some such qualities that all Valkyries possessed...and she had a rather curious time growing up. Her father happened to be a fairly extremely devout christian, and her mother was obviously not. Growing up, she wasn't really sure what to believe a lot of the time, but at her mothers request she attended school in Valhalla and was taught there, as well as how to be a valkyrie. Thanks to her nature though, she was looked down upon quite a bit as being inferior. She didn't let it get to her - in fact she used it as a motivator to try and surpass all the other valkyries and she was pretty successful at it. Couple that with sword lessons from her father, she was well on her way to being a top-class valkyrie and when she graduated a few years early thanks to her skill and knowledge she spent a few years working in Valhalla for them. And then she turned 19. It was a normal day, in fact it was better than normal. Her father had decided she was both old enough and skilled enough to use the holy sword that his family had been entrusted too for generations. Only, things didn't go as planned. She doesn't remember much about what happened, but when her parents took her to let her use the sword it seems they weren't the only ones waiting. Her mother died, and her father went missing that day, after handing her the sword and telling her to run and not look back for even a second. After attempting to fight and almost dying in the process, she fled. It was the only time in her life she allowed herself to do such a thing, and has vowed never to run from any sort of demon or challenge ever again. When she went to Valhalla to seek help, they were surprisingly unresponsive, and since they had no idea who could have possibly done such a thing and they had almost no evidence to go on, she left, more than a little angry and told them she'd go find them herself...but how exactly would she do that? She never really put much faith in her fathers religion, and she had never actually met an angel before, so how could she find one? She had visited church with her father a few times before, but she had never really felt...at home there. If anything, she felt slightly out of place. Now though? Maybe if she did in fact pray hard enough an angel would answer. It seemed though, she didn't have to do even that. As soon as she walked into the church, she was greeted by an angel. He made her an offer, and she accepted. It's been about four years since then. [b]Other:[/b] - Still has trouble using 'God' instead of 'Odin' at times. - Can easily get fascinated by human electronics. - During fights, Leite prefers to show no mercy and hit the foe hard, fast, and relentlessly. If engaged at range, she uses a mix of Ice magic and Light-weapon creation to bombard foes from afar. She is pretty accurate with dropping ice bergs on people, so to speak. If close to mid-range, she tends to blend swordsmanship and superior maneuverability with magic as the situation calls for it. [/hider]