[hr][hr][center][h2][img]https://s23.postimg.org/h6shths5n/virginia.png[/img]&[img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/b4c8d8bb-ce6c-4f28-ae48-5db57c8bd072.png[/img][/h2][hr][color=c0c0c0][b]Location:[/b][/color] Almack's [/center][hr][hr] Having defeated the Hraew, Virginia's next course of action would have been to examine the area for any further threats. But before she could properly observe the area, her eyes fell upon dear Mosi. The Hraew may have been killed, but that did not remove the effects of its feeding. The entire world around her seemed not to exist anymore, as she looked down at her fallen friend. A moment prior, she had been on the rampage, fearless and fierce in battle. But then she collapsed to the floor, choking back tears but it was useless. Her body shook like a heathen who had finally seen the light, yet rather than being overcome with the spirit, Virginia was overcome with woe. The sobs were seemingly never ending, the completely natural human reaction that hardly anyone would expect to grace the face of a Crypt. It would perhaps be the most unnerving thing that Virginia had ever done. She could hardly speak, as between the shaking and the crying she was fortunate to be able to draw breath, as short and broken as it was. Her eyes appeared bloodshot. She mumbled some incoherent words and smiled broadly at Mosi, before finding herself caught in the tears once more, as helpless to prevent them as a ship caught in a storm that it could not beat. Slowly, from the distance, a sound grew louder. It was a tittering, rustling sound, dotted briefly by unclear words spoken in powerful, mellifluous tones. As the source of the noise approached, light footfalls accompanied the growing cacophony, tapping rhythmically, giving a rough and foreboding cadence. A single sparrow hopped into the smoky room through the crack that the slightly ajar door provided. It hopped once more, fluttered its wings, and chirped quietly, audible over the growing din farther behind it. The sparrow; simultaneously a symbol of God's love and a messenger of death - a collector of souls, guide to the hereafter. It was quickly joined by another. Then another. Within seconds, a horde of the tiny songbirds were pushing their way into the room, steadily opening the door in their rush forward. The growing sound of footfall, voice, and rustling reached an apex, for the first time revealing with clarity the words being spoken. It was a prayer. The door to the Musician's Gallery was ripped from its hinges, giving way to the combined onslaught of avian and Catholic might. It clattered upon the floor to the righteous incantation of [color=c0c0c0][b]"...but deliver us from Evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever."[/b][/color] The smartly postured form of Mary Ignatia Hale stepped through the doorway, hundreds of sparrows flooding in around her. Light glinted from the blessed steel of her halberd and illuminated her fiery red hair, giving the appearance of a blood-tinted halo. The steadfast Dame strode confidently into the smoke-darkened room, voice hammering a single word into the air with the finality of a coffin nail: [color=c0c0c0][b][i]"...Amen."[/i][/b][/color] Virginia's gaze was torn away from her fallen friend's corpse as dozens of sparrows flew into the room. Although she was still crying, she had regained enough control of herself to recognize her surroundings and to see her good friend, Mary Hale, enter the room. Had she been in a better mood, she perhaps would have clapped for an entrance such as that, and remarked that if Mary truly wanted to convert more to Catholicism, those entrances would be enough to persuade a crowd. Instead, tears continued to mar her face, as she regarded Mary, curious as to the birds but still grieving for the loss of Mosi. The breakdown may have faltered, but she still felt entirely morose.