[hider=Surial] [center][color=006655][h2] " If only Karma ever got around to dealing with some of you sinners sooner. "[/h2][/color] [img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/95/e7/87/95e787c128a2ef38256248dbd002e116.jpg [/img] [color=006655]He's tall but not intimidating in stature. A soft smile is usually upon his face. He has the image of the 'pretty boy'. His hair is soft and a shade of light brown. Always tousled or windblown in front of his Emerald colored eyes that sparked with specks of brown. His clothing is as raggedy as he is. Loosely fitting and held on his thin frame with a very overworked belt. Over all of this are his light brown robes that weren't made for wings and have large tears along his back to allow them passage.[/color] [b]Name:[/b] [color=006655] Surial Ruschester. He doesn't use his last name allot, even when introducing himself. [/color] [b]Age:[/b] [color=006655]He is young in looks and will always dodge the question. 24-26 ish based solely on looks. [/color] [b]Former Race:[/b] [color=006655]Half Human half Reaper [/color] [b]Race:[/b] [color=006655]Angel {Two winged, he's still quite new.}[/color] [b]Card: [/b] [color=006655]6[/color] [b]Notable Skills:[/b] [color=006655][i]Green Thumb;[/i][/color] Due to the time he spent while a human as a herbalist's assistant he has a proficiency in growing plants of all sorts. Though he doesn't know any of their names or what they are good for most of the time her enjoys spreading their life even after being rebirthed. [color=006655][i] Extended Stamina; [/i][/color] As the Assitant, his jobs would be anything from giving the water to his Herbalist or running halfway across town to buy something they forgot at the last moment. His extended stamina is a result of such excursions. [b]Holy Sacraments: [/b] [color=006655]A long handled scythe. Forged by attaching a heavenly sword to a long branch blessed by the church. The scythe, much larger than Surial can be pressed into a smaller size, as to be seen as a gardening scythe for easier storage on his person. This was the first thing he was given as a new angel and he seldom leaves it unattended. It is rumored that getting hit by a single swing removes 100 years of life from the intended target and that its branch in return from compressing can stretch to give it user a longer reach. [/color] [b]Equipment:[/b] [color=006655]He doesn't have much stuff of his own and often will ask others if he may help them by carrying their stuff. He doesn't mind this burden and often uses it as a way to repay any minor flaws of his own. [/color] [b]Sacred Gear:[/b] [color=006655]He carries, attached to his belt, a book. Inside it's plain unless held by him in which it becomes the book of the fallen. Constantly updated with those who have passed as to allow him an easier time in finding them. This book also tracks whether their soul should go to heaven or hell. He had no knowledge (functionally illiterate) of how to properly use the book until he was turned into an angel in which he quickly began to notice how useful it actually is. [/color] [b]Magic:[/b] [color=006655]Light Projection: His Projections are shaky at best and are due to improve. His projections usually cover his body as a sort of shield. Probably as that is his weakest point and he doesn't wear armor to cover it. These projections become even weaker when trying to take on an offensive point and he seems unmotivated to try and fix this with training. Other than that, as it was given to him when he became an angel he has no other forms of magic.[/color] [b]Personality:[/b] [color=006655]He is strict with himself and others, though often has trouble holding others accountable for their mistakes, especially those who are above him in authority. Inwardly he is quite shy to new faces and doesn't trust easily, though he will go out of his way to help those even if he doesn't trust them. He doesn't see the purpose in taking a route to a solution that isn't efficient and tries not to dillydally. He acts how he feels he should act for most situations and tries his best to follow god's will. Any minor infraction of a rule or commitment causes him great stress, even if he is not to blame. He see's death as nothing to be afraid of and had often preached it to those dying when he still was human. He see's all life as something to be saved even if that life has been corrupted by sin he will still try. This view has barely changed and somehow has lead him to put himself in danger more often now as an angel then when he was a human. [/color] [b]History:[/b] [color=006655]Since he was just a small lad he would go about accomplishing tasks set out for him. He enjoyed it that way. Helping his Mummy with the cleaning and gardening, gathering groceries for neighbors. He never tried much to be anything more than a gear in the machinery. It was to describe his personality then, that he got excited at hearing he was no longer to be staying with who he assumed were his parents. Given away to the church as payment of some debt his family owned he soon made a new name for himself as a devoted follower of God. Committing himself to following the principles of the church. He worked as he usually did in the church for years until he was old enough( and the father of the church too worn and strained to object to it) to get an apprenticeship at a small medical doctor's office. The woman who owned the place called it a herbalist's shop. He loved it there and saw the kind woman as a guide in his life. He helped her run the place for years, making home visits more often than her to the sick or dying. There he was often their last comfort, many were known to speak their final words to him as he blessed their souls to the heavens. After a bloody war had commenced on the fields so close to home, a torn soldier came stumbling into the shop. He was in the midst of treatment for his wounds when enemies came looking. Ater finishing off the poor man they tried to take Surial's boss for their own. A prize they said, spitting in his face as he looked on in dismay at the wrecked shop, a wrecked life. The encounter had put his life out of his control it was his first, and to him, last time he had ever let his emotions take control of the situation. In an act, so out of character for him, it would surprise him when he finally got ahold of his new life as an angel. He secured one of the only weapons in the shop, a small plant scythe in an action and began to swing, getting off two swipes before getting shot. As he lay he saw his boss running off, at least she had made it away unharmed. In his last few moments, he saw all too shapely light to be the passage to heaven and he was given an offer that he could never refuse. It hasn't been more than a month since he became an angel, and well he's still a fumbling. [/color] [b]Other:[/b] [color=006655][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-Dh3ftkRAs&list=RDASj81daun5Q&index=16]Themesong cause why not.[/url] Poor baby knows nothing of how the heavens work. Be gentle. [/color][/center] [/hider]