[hider=Alexander Weiss][CENTER] [img]http://i.imgur.com/tX9G66d.jpg[/img] [H2]"God? Never heard of h-... Ok! Ok! I'll drop the heretic talk! Please stop throwing spears! Seriously Camy, I'm totally going to die like this!"[/H2] [B]Name: [/B]Alexander Weiss [B]Age:[/B] Chronologically 527; Biologically 21 (Angel for 7 years) [B]Former Race: [/B]Human (Magician) [B]Race:[/B] Six Winged Angel [B]Card:[/B] Jack of Spades [B]Notable Skills:[/B] [U]Master Magician:[/U] Alexander is known for having a passion for unraveling the mysteries of the supernatural world and is recognized as an extremely talented individual when it comes to doing so through magic, having mastered at least four kinds of magic and having some knowledge about an absurd number of magic forms. [u]Abnormally Knowledgeable:[/u] Being quite the old talented individual and having a natural craving from knowledge, Alexander has naturally amassed an abnormally high amount of knowledge about the most diversified fields through his life. [U]Expert Marksman:[/U] Due to previous interests, Alexander has trained his marksmanship to a certain extent, being proficient with guns to an extent that he defined as " merely comparable to an elite soldier in a sharpshooter infantry regiment". [u]Flight:[/u] As an angel, he obviously can use his wings to fly and appears to be mildly skilled in doing so. [U]Capable Cold Weapon Wielder:[/U] Due to previous interests, Alexander is capable of handling quite a few variations of cold weapons to an acceptable extent. [U]Master hand-to-hand combatant:[/U] Due to previous interests, Alexander is quite the capable martial artist, being skilled in self-defense techniques to the extent of being called a master by human standards. [U]Talented Musician:[/U] Alexander is known to have a high proficiency in at least 7 kinds of musical instruments, being regarded as a genius in the field before he got bored of it. [U]Master Physician:[/U] Being personally talented in this field and having centuries of practice, Alexander is naturally quite the skilled physician, having access to multiple unique forms of healing ranging from the standard methods to those more mythical in nature. [U]Recognized Polymath:[/U] Alexander is recognized as a polymath: A genius that transcend the concept of fields and is naturally capable of learning and mastering anything that he shows interest in given enough time. [B]Holy Sacraments:[/B] N/A [B]Equipment:[/B] [U]Grimoires:[/U] Alexander is known for being quite the avid researcher of the supernatural field and, as such, he is said to posses quite a few famous grimoires in his arsenal. [U]"Simple Ring":[/U] A common ring linked to a minor independent space through spatial magic, often used as a storage. [B]Sacred Gear:[/B] N/A [B]Magic:[/B] [U]Alchemy:[/U] One of Alexander's four mastered forms of magic, Alchemy is the ancient metaphysical science/mystical art of manipulating and altering matter by using natural energy. This act is known as "Transmutation" and its sequence is usually described as: [LIST=1] [*]Comprehension - Understanding the inherent structure and properties of the atomic or molecular makeup of a particular material to be transmuted, including the flow and balance of potential and kinetic energy within. [*]Deconstruction - Using energy to break down the physical structure of the identified material into a more malleable state so as to be easily reshaped into a new form. [*]Reconstruction - Continuing the flow of energy so as to reform the material into a new shape. [/LIST] [hider=Laws of Alchemy] The mystical practice of alchemy to create objects out of raw matter or turn one object into another is widely believed to be capable of anything - indeed alchemy is often viewed as magical or miraculous by those unfamiliar with the craft - but it is a science and as such is subject to certain laws and limitations, all of which fall under the concept of Equivalent Exchange: "In order to obtain or create something, something of equal value must be lost or destroyed." In standard practice, Equivalent Exchange is separated into two parts: [LIST] [*]The Law of Conservation of Mass, which states that energy and matter can neither be created from nothing nor destroyed to the point of elemental nonexistence. In other words, to create an object weighing one kilogram, at least one kilogram of material is necessary and destroying an object weighing one kilogram would reduce it to a set of parts, the sum of which would weigh one kilogram. [/LIST] [LIST] [*]The Law of Natural Providence, which states that an object or material made of a particular substance or element can only be transmuted into another object with the same basic makeup and properties of that initial material. In other words, an object or material made mostly of water can only be transmuted into another object with the attributes of water. [/LIST][/hider] [hider=Rebound] Since the alchemical forces being manipulated are not human in origin, but of the world as a whole, the consequences for attempting to bypass the Law of Equivalent Exchange in transmutation are not merely failure and cessation. When too much is attempted out of too little, what occurs is called a Rebound, in which the alchemical forces that are thrown out of balance on either side of the equation fluctuate wildly of their own accord in order to stabilize themselves - taking or giving more than was intended in often unpredictable and catastrophic ways such as accidental mutation, serious injury, or death. [/hider] [hider=Personal Skill] While due to its nature as a form of science with general laws and limitations alchemy doesn't have proper "spells" as seen by other forms of magic, the effect of alchemy greatly varies according to the individual user, with lesser practioners having to rely on drawn transmutation circles and complex calculations to bring minor results. As a master, Alexander is capable of mentally calculating the correct formula and directly projecting the transmutation fields through his magic energy, making him able to effectively use minor alchemy instantaneously and take an overall reduced time to create complex machinery through the use of this mystical art. [/hider] [U]White Magic:[/U] Alexander's second mastered magic, his skill in white magic gives him the ability of making multiple kinds of barriers, wards and supportive spells capable of aiding him allies in battle. While this magic doesn't have any directly offensive ability, Alexander often makes use the repulsion quality of barriers to repel enemies. [hider=Spell List (WiP)] [U]Hex-Break:[/U] An ancient form of white magic capable of breaking most of the common Hex and Curse spells. The cost of this spell seems to vary according to the targeted curse. Being another example of Alexander's "superb" naming sense, this spell is far from being as basic as the name denoted, being classified as an advanced spell capable of breaking even ancient curses previously thought to be unsolvable [U]"Minor Ward":[/U] Alexander's twist of the classic ward spell, this overwhelming form of magic appears to be capable of shielding the target from most of the curses, hex, poison and black magic in general coming from someone under the ultimate class. No need to say that the name of this spell is another unfortunate result of Alexander's twisted naming sense. Befitting the true level of this spell, using it results in an overwhelming initial cost and a permanent decrease in the user's energy reserves. The permanent decrease in energy can be redirected to affect the target rather than the user. [U]Barrier:[/U] Another unfortunate result of Alexander's twisted naming sense, this spell creates a white colored barrier around a predefined area, shielding it from any kind of damage. This spell comes in two specific forms: A temporary, user dependant shield for battles or a continuous, independent shield supplied by any energy source nearby to maintain its existence until being broken by some external influence. [U]Rhymn of the Eternal Youth:[/U] An unique, life extending technique, this spell acts to directly affect the organism of its target, preventing the change of the organism and, theoretically, indefinitely stopping the ageing of the target for as long as the user supplies it with energy. [U]Heal:[/U] Alexander's sole healing related spell, this technique relies on using magic to accelerate the natural regeneration of the target, thus accelerating the healing process. No need to say that doing so with wounds that need some specialized care may result in deformation of muscular tissue and malaligment of the bones. [/hider] [U]Black Magic:[/U] Alexander's third mastered kind of magic. While he currently cannot make use of his skills in this field due to his angelic constitution, Alexander is known to have theoretically mastered multiple forms of Hex and Curse based magic in the past. [hider=Spell List] Currently Unavailable [/hider] [U]Spatial Magic:[/U] Alexander's fourth and last mastered form of magic, this advanced form of teleportation magic involves the manipulation of space itself, including but not restricted to creating alternate spaces, teleportation and the fundamental warping of space to a certain extent. [hider=Spell List (WiP)] [U]Inventory:[/U] One of Alexander's favorite spells, this small trick relies on creating an independent miniature space linked to an item and using it for storage purposes. [U]Mirror Space:[/U] An advanced application of spatial magic, this spell create a temporary alternate space mirroring the surroundings of the user. This spell is often stored in items for future use, a method that is mostly used because of the high energy cost of this specific spell, that makes it hard - if not impossible - to use during battles. [U]Gate:[/U] A fairly common spell capable of bending space to link two different places, creating a gateway to the desired destination.[/hider] [U]Runic Magic:[/U] While Alexander isn't specially skilled in this field, he still has a fairly advanced knowledge about the use of both, Nordic and Celtic Runes to channel magic. [U]Elemental Magic:[/U] While this isn't his field of expertise, Alexander is still able to use elemental magic to a reasonable extent, having a fairly extensive theoretical knowledge about this not-so-complicated form of magic. [U]Norse Magic:[/U] While not especially proficient in this field, Alexander is capable of using Norse magic for reading the past and practicing foretelling to a certain extent - albeit hardly something useful for more than a few parlor tricks. [U]Fairy Magic:[/U] While not especially knowledgeable in this field, Alexander is capable of using the glamour of the fae to effectively change his appearance and improve his charm to a certain extent. [U]Light Projection:[/U] Having been an angel for quite a while, Alexander is capable of using the traditional light projection abilities of his species to a reasonable extent, being barely above the average for angels with the same number of wings. [B]Personality:[/B] For those who see him during mission, Alexander is clearly an stern, overly serious individual without any especially expressive mannerisms and a tendency of lacking any expression in his face. He often acts in a calm, detached way and appears to be ridiculously cold and merciless, favouring efficience over useless blabbering and often acting in a machine-like way when making decisions, appearing to regard success as being above his comrades during his missions. Surprisingly, the same individual completely change when he's outside of missions, as he appears to be, in fact, an extremely carefree individual motivated by nothing other than his own sense of amusement and an amazing ability of attracting trouble to himself, being often seen as unpredictable and even crazy. In private, Alexander is known to be extremely easygoing, being able to easily interact with pretty much anyone as long as he feels that it would be interesting to do so and hardly showing anything that slightly resembles discomfort or awkwardness. He also appears to hardly hold the other party position as important, talking in the same informal way with anyone and hardly showing any special respect for someone - fact that is often show during his conversations with Camael, that he appears to consider as a personal friend. Above all, in despite of what is suggested by the behaviours he often assumes, Alexander is surprisingly sharp individual and possess an intelligence away higher than the norm, having quite the calculative side under all the irreverent behaviour and having a tendency of calculating every act that he takes, taking every single factor in regard before making any decision. In an even more contrasting way to his excessively friendly behaviour, Alexander hardly makes true bonds with people in despite of acting like everyone is his frind and holds the few people he considers as friends, together with himself, In the highest regard, being ridiculously loyal when it comes to his selected few. [B]History:[/B] TBR [B]Other:[/B] - He considers every single helicopter in existence as his property. - He's seemingly in love with pop culture, being quite the closet otaku and openly calling himself as a geek. - His ideal of beauty is seemingly based on the seraph Gabriel. Unsurprisingly, she appears to be one of the major targets of his flirting. - As a result of a certain occasion that happened in the past, he appears to be in love with Jeanne d'Arc... As a concept - considering that he is a century too young to have met the actual maiden of Orleans. - He may have be partially responsible for the French revolution. - While he isn't particularly against the appreciation of paintings, he has previously stated that he won't ever practice painting. - Due to the rebound of a failed spell, his left arm was mutated to a visible extent, having a somehow demonic composition and needing constant suppression to work correctly. [hider=spoiler] - His true identity is Alexandro di ser Piero da Vinci, son of the famous polymath Leonardo da Vinci. [/hider] [/CENTER][/hider]