[hider=Daniel Williams] Character Quote: "Trust me, I'm an engineer, I swear!" Appearance: [img]http://i230.photobucket.com/albums/ee284/Razgri47/Livers/f8cb1ab3.jpg[/img] 5'11 and 165 lbs, Danny is an average man in most regards so far as appearence, with dark brown hair to his neck Name: Daniel James Williams Age: 26 Former Race: N/A Race: Human Card: N/A Notable Skill's: Daniel is a skilled engineer and tinkerer, loving to solve problems with his hands and technology. As a result of his many feats of, as he calls it, "Southern Engineering", he's a competent shot and decent enough with explosives. He's skilled with computers as well as technology of the manual variety. His greatest skill, if you ask him, is his ability to think on his feet and improvise, mashing together parts on the fly to make a new creation. Holy Sacraments: N/A Equipment: A pair of safety goggles, normal civvies, and a large backpack full of spare parts and tools, semi-haphazardly thrown together. Sacred Gear: True Technician - Daniel's sacred gear makes understanding new things a matter of simplicity for him, so long as he can place his hands on it (Note: This doesn't mean he picks up a history book and knows all of history, it means he picks up an engine and knows how it works). From magical inscriptions, to 500 lb bombs to an F-16, no inanimate object can hide its function from Daniel, and with that knowledge combined with his own knowledge, he can often modify or reproduce most of what he comes across Magic: N/A Personality: Daniel is a nice guy at heart, who tries to do his best for people. He wears his heart on his sleeve, earnest and honest about his feelings and intentions. He is easily excitable and enjoys making jokes and telling stories, trying to be the life of the party. What many consider to be his best trait, however, is his ingrained sense of loyalty and dedication. Whether he's committed to a cause or a person, he will not waver and he will not abandon it, come hell or high water he'll continue. History: Daniel grew up in the Deep South, raised mostly by his mother, and lived what many would call the good life. He went hunting and fishing sometimes, and spent a lot of time experimenting with anything his hands came to. He developed a deep love and appreciation for explosives and guns, however, because of his father. The man was a Marine named Mac, once an officer, and had a deep haunted past, having witnessed the death of his entire platoon twice. So, while he was too damaged to be of much use in raising the child, in his moments of lucidity he passed on not only his expertise to his child, often saying "[color=a0410d]No son of mine is going to be defenseless.[/color]". From his dad he learned about explosives and weapons, but his great love of creating (and his true appreciation for weapons) came from his real father figure, a gunsmith named Michael. From Michael he learned not only about making guns (A talent Daniel revels in), but of engineering in general. From weapons to fans to cars, Daniel (often called Danny by the man) learned how to make nearly anything. Because of this, he learned a great deal about math and science, enough to graduate with honors. Out of high school, he went to trade school and got his welding certificate, and became a commercial welder. A job he continues to work, and happily, though now he's moved on to the East Coast, where job opportunities abounded, and occasionally even gets to go overseas when his company deigns fit to assign him to projects outside the states. Other: N/A [/hider]