[b]Shurelia[/b] Normally Lady Shurelia was terrible with directions, which she would never tell you. Luckily for Scaramouche in this case she did not need directions, she just needed to follow the delicious smell hanging on the air and the bad singing. Those were obvious enough that sh only got side tracked a couple times before finding the place they were coming from. And thanks to the mask there would be no way for her companion to know that she had gotten lost at any point in the trip. Linkage armor had its benefits even when it wasn't functional, that's for sure. "This appears to be the place," she noted aloud as she glanced back at the robot. There was a food stand, as expected, and there already seemed to be an assortment of people here. Mostly young girls, though some were more well armed than others. In particular the girl with the spear would be of some concern. Shurelia had not dismissed the possibility that Mir was still playing the long game, but she couldn't keep herself away. Moving forward, she neared the group before realizing that she couldn't eat any food because she was wearing a mask. Her face fell, yet it did not slow her pace. The price that one paid for security and anonymity it seemed. But it was fine, she'd done this for many years before now so she would manage one way or another. "Greetings," she said to those gathered once she had drawn close enough. Though there did seem to be something of a disagreement going on, unfortunate if only because she couldn't put an end to it with her Hymmos. Being cut off from the tower was continuing to be a frustration. Well, maybe a bluff would succeed where fact failed. "Is there some sort of problem here?" [@ACHTUNG][@Raineh Daze][@Tachi][@Lmpkio][@VitaVitaAR][@Rin]