[hider][color=Teal][b][u] Character Quote:"Look you're an Officer now. You can't let anybody push you around.if you want something done,do it without fear of others, otherwise innocent people will go to jail. Did you think being a Cop is a joke this is a path where no one will like if you do your job right. " [/u][/b][/color] [indent] [/indent] [color=Teal] [b][u] Appearance:[/u][/b][/color] [indent][URL=http://www.zerochan.net/2096736][IMG]http://s3.zerochan.net/Nanase.Haruka.%28Free%21%29.240.2096736.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [/indent] Chris has nut-brown hair ,deep blue eyes and a slightly slender build with 5'91 ft, but is in shape. most of the time he likes to walk around with a hooded coat plus a T-shirt underneath even in a not particularly cold weather. [color=Teal] [b][u] Name:[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Christoffer Aleksander Eilert [/indent] [color=Teal] [b][u]Age:[/u][/b][/color] [indent] [hider]23 years as a human 4 years as an angel[/hider] [/indent] [color=Teal] [b][u] Former Race :[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Human [/indent] [color=Teal] [b][u] Race: [/u][/b][/color] [indent] Two-Winged Angel [/indent] [color=Teal] [b][u] Card:[/u][/b][/color] [indent] 10 of Spades [/indent] [color=Teal] [b][u] Notable Skill's :[/u][/b][/color] [indent] [list][*]Flight:Like most of the angels chris can fly with the elegance of a bird, most of the time even better,performing 3-d maneuvers with ease. [*]Precision: Chris can pinpoint and hit a target with tremendous accuracy,being able to spot most vulnerabilities and opportunities with a glance. [*] Keen perception: Retaining some degree of his memories and experience from his previous life,chris is always very aware of his surroundings paying attention to the most minute of the details. Putting it together with his Recently acquired magic, he can perceive even the movement of an ant in the corner of a room. [*]Masterful spear handling : Chris is very capable with a spear being it when intercepting other weapons with the edge of his spear or when spinning it 360º either 180º degrees to block incoming attacks.He makes even unorthodox moves at times at close range. [*]Throwing Talent:Be it a holy spear or a needle, Chris can handle most throwing weapons with a remarkable ease.[/list][/indent] [color=Teal][b][u]Holy Sacraments:[/u][/b][/color] [indent][hider] Holy Light's Solace: A magical bracelet capable of summoning forth the blessings of heaven in the form of a pompous and intense light from the skies. The one enveloped by the light is invigorated, his ailments are gone and minor injuries engaged instantly in a healing process. Severe injuries like multiple fractures in the bone structure may not heal at first. [/hider] [/indent] [color=Teal] [b][u]Equipment:[/u][/b][/color] [indent] [/indent] [color=Teal] [b][u] Sacred Gear: [/u][/b][/color] [indent] None yet. [/indent] [color=Teal] [b][u] Magic :[/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*]Unorthodox light projection:Like most angels,Chris can project light and condense it into a solid light weapon emanating holy energy.But through careful research and experimentation,he reached the conclusion that the light projections can be used in a much wider spectrum of ways. [*]Luminous Waybill: Chris carries around with him small mirrors,in his pocket that upon being flung into the air are sustained by an almost invisible thread of light in his fingers that he uses to maneuver them around changing the trajectory of projectiles that he and others make. [*] Radiant awareness:Chris can sustain a silent and gentle blue aura around him thaat expands 200m,into a field where he can sense most threats incoming and their nature, the same holding true for his allies, being able to estimate their physical condition. [/list] [/indent] [color=Teal] [b][u]Personality: [/u][/b][/color] [indent] Christoffer is a very observant and serious,man though he can be at times rather silly with his suppositions.He is rather paranoid with people's intentions at all times and he Usually over thinks the meaning of people's words and actions.But if anything what distinguishes him even further to the society's normal standards is his will to do what it takes to bring the pieces of the puzzle together to solve a problem and finding a meaning to the continued struggles of life. [/indent] [color=Teal] [b][u]History:[/u][/b][/color] [hider][indent] Christoffer was born in the U.S.A, regardless of his danish lineage, there he lived alone With his mother, since his father that was a cop died in the line of duty during a gunfight. When he was at the tender age of 4. Because of that sudden incident, Chris even during his Childhood began to develop a very serious attitude towards the world. Even during the everyday life when in the streets or in school, he would take the utmost caution with every petty detail. Growing up, he was capable enough in his studies to score multiple A grades, during high school. But after finishing high school at the age of 18, he would find out that his life was taking a meaningless direction after all, studying everyday enclosed in a room Getting out only to supply his measly bodily functions, Did not seem very promising. So He tried something different, he made an application to the police academy after some time Hoping he could find out there the reasons that motivated his father in being a cop and some meaning To his death. He managed to enter the academy and there he trained for 5 years, never forgetting the earned mental discipline. In one of these days during the fifth year of his stay at the academy, he returned home, as usual to see his mother. Only to find out she wasn't there, he proceeded in pursuing clues to where his mother was and the only thing he managed to find was an unusual religious book. After exhausting each of his contacts at the academy, when countless days passed, he was sure that his mother went missing. He questioned himself "why". After 5 years searching for the meaning of his father's death to no avail, why was he attached to the hope he could find his mother if he only could understand and get to the source of this book? During the next 6 months Chris started to frequent the church hoping he could find some meaning for the struggles of his life. Why his father had died? Why his Mother his life only Solace disappeared ? Why he was fated to be always lonely. And so 3 months later, after a rather peculiar day of work at the Police station, when Chris was on his way home he noticed it, on a rather dim alleyway there were 3 thugs threatening a young family of 3 people, one father, one mother and one son, Chris knew what was going to happen, But he couldn't allow such a thing to happen on his watch. He couldn't allow someone to lose their family on his line of sight. So he intervened sending a warning shot to the thugs, in the following fraction of a second, he screamed his lungs out, telling the family to jump on the ground, making use of the dim illumination he sneaked through the shadows and managed to pull some large trash bins on the way of the thugs bullets, providing cover to the family while he gained some time. The family managed to get away, and for that he was glad but this battle was a lost cause, he only had 2 bullets remaining, for dealing with 3 thugs refusing to back down and that already knew his location. Chris knew that, but he couldn't go out without a fight. What followed next happened in the span of 5 seconds at the edge of his vision near his cover behind the trash bins, there were some garbage bags he could not hesitate any longer he threw the bags in the air, hoping that they would receive the shots, and they did, it was at that moment that chris opened fire with his remaining bullets hoping for the best. The result was pretty good 2 of the thugs got punctured through the stomach and ended up on the ground, but regardless of that "pretty good" just wasn't enough the third thug's retaliation was a shot between his eyes. In the few last moments of his brain activity, He Could sort out only one thought. "Not yet I have to find it the meaning of this ..life." And then all the lights of his world came to an end. [/indent][/hider] [color=Teal] [b][u] Other: [/u][/b][/color] [indent] [/indent][/hider]