[@Devil], [@Xavier Bloodbayne] It is, after consideration over the course of the last two hours, and some time spent thinking things over during the weekend, that I am opting to officially cede victory in this battle to Xavier Bloodbayne. As per my relevant reasoning (insofar as this battle is concerned), it is my assessment that I lack the options to effectively waive the most recent onslaught; at least, not in any way that I can view as reasonable, tasteful, or within the capabilities of my character achieve effectively within any legality. And in truth, I see Xavier to, at present time, be the superior combatant moving forward. It may be that I'm being hasty. It may be that I'm mistaken in my outlook on the situation; my ears... err... eyes, are certainly open to posthumous criticisms. I apologize if I've wasted anyone's time, and for not being able to provide more of a challenge.