[@sassy1085]Sorry, I sometimes use those like bookmarks for later discussion. Like Loony Expressed, we would like to ask that you supply a reason for an assassin-type gem being on a simple maintenance check, as well as keep Jet herself in check to not be over powered or game breaking. Shadow Manipulation goes a VERY long way if you know how to get creative with it, so we will need a more in depth explanation to the limits and extent of her powers, as well as any possible weaknesses. Nothing against Jet, but with such a powerful... power, the diamonds (and the tribunal of GMs) would need a way to keep her in check. There's also the matter of the unnamed Gem. Her simply being "busy" is not enough of an excuse to have jet be her stand-in. If I might make a suggestion, maybe whoever was in charge of assigning the jobs accidentally put the unnamed gem on the cluster job without knowing that she was doing something else at the same time? And in order to fill the space, jet was the closest one around, and was there instead?