[center][h3]Nino The 'Kitty'[/h3][/center] [@Yomojo][@Afro Samurai][@patches] [hr] The prospect of being a [i]mascot[/i] for anyone or any group of ones, attacked his stomach from every angle. He wretched audibly as Quinn suggested it and shook his head. Lucille's idea had a strangely appealing ring to it though. Nino's ears torqued. He was attentive for all 3 seconds that he considered her idea, before dismissing it with a low pitched meow. "Other animal casters? Blehg, I've come across no such thing, myself. Even in the presence of other mammals my size, I have no interest in dispensing any sort of [i]justice,[/i] Lucille," Nino grunted, standing up and padding his way to the opposite side of the table. "My life could certainly use a little more... Panache. Whether it be Justice, terror, or the thrill of adventure..." Nino thought it over again, wiggling his eyes from left to right like he was chasing an invisible string across the breath of their table. "Mmmmmrrmmm..."