"Hells Bells. Again with the sand! I swear...It's like he just LOVES to put sand in my shoes. or my pants. Or my-" Complaints filled the hot arid landscape of the Great Sand Sea. Humidity and heat coupled together to create one of the most nasty feeling climates on the planet, causing many to take caution when traversing the dunes. However, one individual did not seem aware of the warnings of danger most towns skirting the edge of the Sea offered. No, this one seemed much different. White long-coat obscured even nicer dress clothes in the form of a white vest adorned over a silk like black dress button up. The collar of which was folded perfectly over a white tie - fashioned in a half-Windsor. White pants - now brownish due to the trek through the desert - met dusty black dress shoes; The feet adornment having been ruined due to the lengthy amount of walking the young man had been forced to endure. Atop his head, doing it's best to block out the blistering sun, a white fedora covering up auburn strands. A large metallic contraption strapped to the right arm; massive frame indicating naught of its purpose. For all intents and purposes, the young man looked more suited for a meeting with the board as opposed to traversing the dangerous landscape. "When I get back, I swear I'm gonna just walk right up to him and say Jhiet-" The young man's tirade ceased as - before him - a large Obelisk suddenly seemed to appear out of nowhere. As if etched into the mountain-side, It's structure gave no mystery as to what it was; The squared base pyramid filled his vision, its gargantuan form a welcome source of shade from the blistering heat. With haste, the young man rushed to the safety of obstruction. The closer he approached the more detail he began to make out and - after a short observation at the base of the structure - Mazono found an entrance to the inner sanctum of this Pyramid - within the layered mass of the chasm in which the pyramid seemed located. Torches lit the hallway down a very specific path; Eyes shifting left and right to ensure he wasn't being made a fool of within the confines of a potential mirage. The air, stale and cool, made the hours under the sun almost worth it. Ahead, a large room awaited. Sandstone had been placed perfectly in a single walkway surrounded on either side by sand. Markings along the stones telling some kind of story about something or another. The young man was obviously not skilled in Hieroglyphics. The large room was adorned with many blue pillars, a few of which had toppled over the years. Treasured urns and ceramics lined the walls ceremoniously - meticulous care placed in their final positions. A large pile of bones, denoting an ancient creature of massive size was left in a heap unceremoniously before a more modern scaffolding. Step by step Mazono made his way into the somewhat familiar room. His left hand reaching beneath his long-coat to grip at something at his side before retracting and revealing a large, long-barreled semi-automatic handgun. The weapon was brought up to bare as he scanned the room with a mastered caution. The large anubian statue the largest highlight of the room, was studied for a long moment before Mazono felt confident no one else was in the structure with him. Admiring the workmanship of the ancient silver inlaid with golden shoes. The depiction of death being toppled by Osiris. Purely, the greatest representation of what this construct was to represent shortly. Now, standing atop the plateau of an incline, the young man in white turned to regard the doorway as if expecting something to happen next. A flash of glowing energy cascaded over his iris, his neural synaptic relays a buzz with accelerated bio-electric impulse as the neuron burst activated. A hum of energy filled the room as the smell of burnt ozone filled the air around him. Relaxing within the center of his ever-present defensive field, Mitsu prepared himself for anything that would come his way, as he always did. His eyes shifted down to the large object adorning his right arm; his mind regarding its purpose. Its massive silvery tint giving the appearance of a make-shift buckler or some kind of strange futuristic forearm guard. Its true nature, something far more destructive. [i]I suppose this does make a perfect locale for a field test[/i] His mind contemplating the thought of why his Boss would send him all the way to this ancient tomb without anything more than an "I'm telling you to". Regardless, it wasn't for him to really question - after all, he almost always had fun in situations such as this - but it still caused a curiosity to occur. His focus returning to the moment at hand, the young man stared hard at the entryway once more. Beneath the flaps of his long-coat, three large canisters (not unlike Tear Gas canisters) began to bulge open. The metal casing tearing aside as black and gold granules fell to the floor. The shadows at his feet seemed to writhe and move, as the black sand came to life at the introduction of his ambient charge. The dark mass grew larger and larger by the second filling the one yard radius with it's substance. A ping of ambient bio-electricity spread through the area; a self-defense mechanism alerting him to the stirrings of bio-electrical current being disrupted or introduced to the ninety-foot area. The one known as the 'Lightning Emperor' awaited the arrival of his coming opponent - the truth behind his arrival hidden within the dubious instructions of "Arrive and fight to the death". Clearly his companion had something up his sleeve, but as he had yet to ever steer him wrong before. [i] Well if you gotta do it! Then I guess you gotta do it![/i]