Taking a sip of his coffee he gulped at the name Dr.Doom. That was a name he hadn't heard for quite some time. Well the Doctor part anyway. In Latveria the would say his name as almost religious vigor. In America they would say it with caution especially around him. He picked up she was trying to change the subject which he wouldn't press onto. Though he was curious on how her hands became so rough and her face all beat up. [color=1a7b30]"Yes Lord Doom main residence was in Latveria. Other contries called it a dictatorship but truthfully he helped bring my country out of it dark ages. His passing struck my people hard, even when his son took the throne it left a small void in many... including myself."[/color] He didn't mean for those words to come out but he spoke the truth. He missed his grandfather dearly even if his version was just some program it was the closet thing he had to him. [color=1a7b30]"Latveria is a beautiful place it's location just happens to be in the path of the sun, so every morning you would see it rise and change the landscape in a vibrant mix of orange and pink. You would think the snow was painted instead of white."[/color] He smiled at the fond memories of his home. [color=1a7b30]"The people were proud just like its king. Though I will admit not to his extent."[/color] His last statement came out a little bit more blunt then it should have but it was true. While was grandfather was brilliant it was that brilliance that made him mad. [color=1a7b30]"I don't want to seem rude but I've been talking about myself a lot. Are you comfortable in talking about yourself?"[/color] [@Araby264]