Jack jumped just a bit when he heard Marabelle's voice. He looked over at her and smiled, "Thanks Belle." He said before looking back at Alice. He sighed, "Get well soon, Alice." He murmured, caressing her cheek gently, "Its way too quiet without you yelling at someone." He chuckled to himself before sighing. He looked at her hand and how well it fit in his. He lifted her hand and kissed it gently, "I'm sorry." He mumbled. -------- Josephine nodded and stood with Elijah. She brushed off her dress before turning to the door. "Thanks." She said, looking up at him before they went inside. "You always know how to make me feel better, Eli. It almost makes up for the time you slapped me." She grinned and gave his hand a light squeeze before walking into the house. She was headed towards Jack's room that she shared with him before she stopped. She didn't want to share a room with him and she wasn't sure where to go. "I could go back to the ship..." She mumbled to herself.