[@Wraithblade6][@Metronome][@Grec][@DepressedSoviet] Priscilla wheeled at Damien and said, "It is not [i]your[/i] fault!" She was angry, first at Lucas for just up-and-leaving despite the danger that greeted young men with supernatural powers who went alone, then at David for putting Lucas at risk, and then at herself for being unable to do anything about it. "Your employer just made a very big mistake, a mistake I cannot explain to you just yet. But let's wait for him to regain [i]control[/i] of the situation, shall we?" Priscilla was arch in her anger, waiting for David to pull out some weird power from his ass to solve this entire fracas. If he didn't in a few minutes, she was going to storm off after Lucas herself; she may not be able to use Magic openly, but she still had twin pistols holstered at her belt...