[@Yuuta][@Nagariin][@Dusty][@checkeredsoul][@Regitnui][@Force and Fury] It wasn't that she was intentionally ignoring Treekle and Rhen, more that their comments weren't important enough in her mind to respond to at the time. She had already stated they were exposed, and no one stopped to consider that her original idea WAS to get the group moving. Esailia dropped her hand and huffed quietly. It was clear that this group wouldn't unify under military order. What about common sense then? "[b][color=8dc73f]Fine, let's get going then. Anyone who can wield a weapon get it out.[/color][/b]" She declared as she did exactly that; tugging her shield from her back and strapping it to her left forearm before pulling out the longer of her two swords from her hip. "[b][color=8dc73f]Anyone who is skilled at scouting, get to it. Anyone not able to fight, come to me. Rintor...[/color][/b]" She turned to look at the grizzled veteran once more "[b][color=8dc73f]Would you like to pick a direction?[/color][/b]"