[quote=@HeySeuss] Also, for the purposes of the RP, I want a clear sense of why your characters are opposed to Nemsemet. [/quote] For C.C. it's personal. Not only does Nemsemet likely owe the Court tons of dough thanks to his textbook "I'm a mummy" tax evasion scheme, but he also went and killed the Count, the one guy in the city that C.C. (incorrectly) thought of as a true friend. Plus, he's got that bogeyman sense of justice that kicks in whenever someone starts behaving badly, like sucking their thumb or trying to conquer the mortal world. We could start in a place that already serves as a home base for one of the player characters; perhaps they had even invited some of the other characters over to discuss plans on opposing Nemsemet. So, places like [@Aleranicus]'s Little Angels Day Care or [@Quoll]'s Corvid Cronuts. I kinda like the imagery of a group of supernaturals discussing how to take out an all powerful warlock while sitting in tiny little chairs designed for toddlers or munching on scrumptious pastries.