[color=8dc73f][center]Shel Applewood[/center][/color] Shel had rather hoped that everyone would just get along swimmingly from the beginning, so much more pleasant that way really. They still seemed to be a rather good sort though. Not uncommon for such a diverse group to bump heads. He'd traveled with enough strangers to know the difference between decent folk with a rough start and just all around bad company. This was [b]most[/b] certainly the former. No one had pulled any weapons in anger, that wasn't always the case. Heavens, there was even a dwarf! Shel loved dwarfs he did. They were often ever so grumpy and ever so fond of beer, so they always had one thing in common right from the start. More importantly they were about the same size as him so he could talk to them face to face without craning his neck at an angle until he was afeared it would get stuck like that. What's more he had packed away a Dwarfish delicacy somewhere or other. Oh wouldn't Treekle be happy when Shel gave him a nice thick strip of Traggot, boiled wolf hide that, just a little piece would last for an awful long time it was so tough. But Esalia seemed to be about to speak, moving about slightly she was...doubtless soon to get things moving again, which was just as well to him. He had a bit of a tendency to let his mind just wander off aimlessly on one tangent or another. Thinking about Traggot at the moment. Such a strange thing to be a delicacy really, nothing to it once you knew how to make it. An old Dwarfen souse deep into has last bottle of brew had explained it to him once as they were traveling through hill and valley to his mountain hide out. Never made it. Got sidetracked by a broken down carriage and the farmer's daughter trying to get it back together. They'd had to lend a hand. Oh, he'd lost his train of thought, that's right it was peat. Peat was the secret to good Dwarfen Traggot, what you had to do was... [color=fff200]"Anyone who is skilled at scouting, get to it. Anyone not able to fight, come to me. Rintor..."[/color] the Mithra addressed the veteran human, [color=fff200]"Would you like to pick a direction?"[/color] "[color=8dc73f]Might I suggest behind us[/color]," Shel chimed in in his high voice to the pair of them, Rintor and Esalia, "[color=8dc73f]it seems only natural to move thata way[/color]," he said pointing in the direction they'd come out facing, "[color=8dc73f]but near as I can figure this spot isn't anywhere significant in this land. One ways as good as the other I'd suppose.[/color]"