[b]Julia[/b] Julia watched as everyone got into action right away in trying to fight off the tree warriors and calm down Rethynth, and with the holy light, it was starting to work. She was about to act when she froze, her eyes widened and all because of one word. 'Grenade' In that second there was an explosion and fire shot up. Not only did he use a grenade, he used an incendery grenade! With her pure shock and horror she was frozen for a moment. Luckily, Angela handled the situation perfectly, putting out the fire. She took a deep breath before holding her hand out towards Gunter. "GIVE THAT HERE!" Suddenly, his Grenade Launcher would disappear out of his hand, along with any explosives he had by using her magic. She encased them all in a purple orb before making them disappear. "I can't believe you are that stupid! In fact, calling you stupid would be an insult to stupid people! We are in the Forest of Life! I just fucking told you that and your great idea is to blow it up? I swear, are you secretly working for the bad guys? Let me put this as clear as possible to you so you understand. Forest of Life dies, Guardian of Life dies, Guardian of Life dies, Tree of Life dies, Tree of Life dies, world dies, world dies, everything dies. Guardian of Life dies, Tree of Life dies, Tree of Life dies, Forest Of Life dies, and world die. If world dies, everything dies. Do you understand now? You can get your toys back when we actually need them, not when we are in the Forest of Life, you dumbass." Julia just screamed in anger before letting out a soft sigh. She turned to Rethynth who was maddened still, even after Angela's song, Rethynth was still rather angry and out of control. Wonder why? It was then that Julia added her own voice to Angela's. After all, Lalafell were the protectors of the Forest of Life, the protectors of the Tree of Life and the Protectors of the Guardian of Life. They were all connected emotionally. She could feel his pain, his fear, his dispair. Julia walked up to the Tree of Life and placed her hand on it. Her eyes closed and her hand glowed green. It was then that she sang the ancient song of healing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXTvqpjQGz8 As she sang Rethynthlet out a loud roar but she continued to sing using the power of the Tree of Life itself heal him. Now, even animals gathered around to watch. Birds tweeted the song while wolves howled the tune. Everyone was doing their part. However, it calmed him down almost completely, it didn't put him to sleep as she intended. "Rethynth please rest for now." She then turned to everyone else when he laid himself down and tried to rest and relax. The tree warriors sunk back into the ground as he did. "He needs his rest while his soul his healed. I believe the cracks in reality are causing him to lose himself. He would be able to feel their darkness through the cracks, even if nothing comes through them. He is able to do this because he is connected to all life on this planet which means he is connected to all worlds and universes also. So it could also be the fact that he can feel other worlds, and the panic and fear of others is driving him to attack. Whatever it is, we must continue on to Ishaena, City of the Lalafell. We cannot stay here too much longer, we've drawn way too much attention to ourselves than I'd like." She walked up to Rethynth and placed her hand on his hand. Her hand glowed green and she spoke once more. "Rest Rethynth, my dear friend. We will speak soon, I promise." Just as she was about to get going, it was then that a group of others appeared in front of them. Julia's eyes widened quickly and she stood back. Please, no, not now! Why did they have to come now?! [hider=Lalafell][hider=Bane][img]https://www.thegamesupply.net/media/ffxiv/f/726c25c5657d0e7e1ace8870a1a59ff5_777c57311d510ca65dac3c1077dee435fl0_640x873.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Lilly][img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/108a26a481e0aea79c0e27f00c811159/tumblr_nc81ck9GmF1qgxaowo1_1280.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Chief Yoal][img]http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e15/11288068_426913334154947_2063751569_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=OTg2NzUxODc3MTYxMDMwNTQx.2[/img][/hider][/hider] [hider=Law Enforcers][hider=Lalafell][hider=Scourge][img]https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xfa1/t51.2885-15/s306x306/e15/10914671_347982832067537_218904569_n.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Mordred][img]http://jolstatic.fr/www/captures/974/5/104285.jpg[/img][/hider][/hider] [hider=Kitsune][hider=Misuki][img]http://pm1.narvii.com/5812/8c73ba72a89303e779cb133ee89d616709851221_hq.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Aizen][img]http://pm1.narvii.com/6156/6ceca25f6744e75045166b28a62063693b3603af_hq.jpg[/img][/hider][/hider] [hider=Daemonfeuer][hider=Brick][img]http://rpgimg.dootstuff.com/index.php?q=/image/2723.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Sai][img]https://i.warosu.org/data/tg/img/0317/22/1398518503249.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Sliver][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/66/c0/25/66c0255a9152966b94f331b8edfa66bb.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Bone][img]http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/19798864/images/1341830323212.png[/img][/hider] [hider=Blake][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b8/87/2c/b8872c345dfe7afdc9ce30fd77a16292.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Reptile][img]http://taxidermicowlbear.weebly.com/uploads/2/3/7/4/23742956/4944172_orig.png[/img][/hider][/hider] [hider=Dragonborn][hider=Elizabeth][img]https://ii.yuki.la/e/9a/903b704e9b98a213ed8b008df996272fc9ec9cc498f6c7ed0fdc2220261319ae.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Draco][img]http://www.darrencalvert.com/dracun2.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Crunch][img]http://orig13.deviantart.net/f7d8/f/2011/117/6/0/602bfcae82e5e148a2e6b67e107909c2-d3f17mn.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Salamance][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/21/80/08/218008b843c2fe0ca34bda9561604112.jpg[/img][/hider][/hider] [hider=Khajiit][hider=Fang][img]http://img1.reactor.cc/pics/post/full/furry-%D1%84%D1%8D%D0%BD%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%BC%D1%8B-furry-art-furry-tiger-3491567.jpeg[/img][/hider] [hider=Taigra][img]https://static1.e621.net/data/25/82/25820db32c3c84a1f7658aaa55d68e23.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Nightstalker][img]https://d.wattpad.com/story_parts/261861994/images/1451df4a739bfe44.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Taigress][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/7d64fe48eb98ddc7f47b31a5c780f1ad/tumblr_o9cjzpMObj1toe6ado4_1280.jpg[/img][/hider][/hider] [hider=Roegadyn][hider=Stone][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/tsrd/images/7/7a/Cruzado.png/revision/latest?cb=20160921214807&path-prefix=pt-br[/img][/hider] [hider=Destro][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/cb/fa/89/cbfa89b9e170c82adf1349a3edd64441.jpg[/img][/hider][/hider][/hider] [b]You cannot instant kill any of the NPCs. If you wish to try to kill them then you must do a battle post. We can either do a co-post together on whoever you are attacking or just mention me when attacking and I'll respond.[/b] It was the Titan Armoured Roegadyn, Destro who stood forward and looked around the forest before looking towards Julia. After a quick analysis he spoke up. "Julia, I assume you summoned these nine forigners, correct?" Julia sighed before giving a soft nod. "It was either that or let the world be destroyed." Of course, she couldn't say much considering they threatened the Forest of Life and everything in it, thanks to some moron. Destro spoke up once more. "Julia, you are under arrest for bringing forigners into Azroh. This is punishable by death. All forigners summoned, you will be arrested for entering the world of Azroh. Punishable by death. All ten of you have threatened the Forest of Life, Guardian of Life and the Tree of Life and thus threatening the world and all other worlds. This is punishable by death. Your execution date is today, starting now. All Law Enforcers, do not harm the Forest of Life, apprehend the criminals quickly. If you see a chance to kill them, do so." Julia stood back once more. Damn it, this was why she didn't want to draw too much attention to herself, thanks Gunter, thanks a whole fucking lot. Before the Law Enforcers took action Cheif Yoal stepped forward. "I knew you were serious on your study on these cracks but I never thought you'd be willing to become a criminal for it. Julia, Lalafell or not I am afraid I will have to fight you, in order to protect the Forest of Life. I could sense the damage Julia, I could feel it. These people are dangerous. When I called the Law Enforcers, I never expected to see you. I'm sorry it has to be this way Julia." Julia let out a soft sigh and stepped forward. "Some of these people may not be the best, but right now it's all we have. If you kill us the world will die anyway! Let us do our job, we can leave the forest." As to answer her question, Bane grabbed his spear and the moment he did, everyone else did too. It was obvious, they weren't getting out without a fight. [center]The BIG Fight[/center] [b]Bane and Julia[/b] Bane ran towards Julia, and the moment she got herself ready, Bane disappeared in the shadows. Of course he did. He reappeared out of Julia's Shadow and went to slash at her which she immediately jumped back and shot a large magic ball at him. There was no point in trying to talk to him. The Lalafell couldn't help now. "Please, I beg of you. Don't kill the Lalafell!" Bane wacked the magic blast away from the Tree of Life with his spear before teleporting. There was so much shadow around, Bane was at his strongest. He appeared behind Julia and tried to stab her. She quickly grabbed the spear and threw him to the side. The moment she did she used her magic to teleport Red away from the battle. [b]Lilly and Ming[/b] Ming couldn't believe what was happening. Somebody was setting the forest on fire! Who was stupid enough to set the fucking forest on fire? "Are you fucking stupid? Why are you trying to kill the forest you morons!?" Luckily Angela put it out. It was a little after that Angela and Julia sang to the beast and it more or less calmed the dragon down. Good, the faster she could get out of here the better. She didn't trust Gunter around forests anymore, even when Julia took his explosives. Just before they left however they were blocked of by people suddenly appearing. She listened to them and she couldn't believe all this time Julia was a criminal, but then it got worse. Everyone was a criminal, and not just because of Julia but because of Gunter too. "Hey, I didn't ask to come here?! Don't put me with those criminal scum!" However nobody listened and a fight broke out. She clenched her fist together in anger. Thanks to Gunter and Julia, she was now a criminal. Well damn them to hell! She would make them pay! When Julia asked not to kill the Lalafell, Ming looked to her then gave a small smile. She didn't care about Julia's orders anymore. Lilly looked at the ten before vanishing. She reappered in front of Ming and went to slash at her which she instinctly rose her shield and blocked the attack. As she did she attempted to slash at the Lalafell, aiming for a killing blow right away which Lilly disappeared. She reappeared not far away and rose her staff spear. It glowed brightly, then holy arrows began to rain down on Ming, trying to stab her. Ming quickly called out. "Samurai Art, Shield Dome!" She held her shield up and the shield formed into a protective dome. When the attack had finished it changed back into a normal shield. With that, she shouted again. "Samurai Art, thousand shards!" She dropped her sword and as she did, it sunk into the ground. Suddenly a thousand shards appeared around her. She pointed to Lilly and immediately went to attack. Lilly held a single hand out and spoke. "Deflect." With that, her hand glowed and the shards flew twice as fast at Ming. Just before they hit the Tree of Life, Lilly pressed her hands together and formed a golden barrier around the Tree and Guardian of Life. Ming gasped, she crouched and held her shielf up, it defended against most shards but a few cut her legs quite badly. She stood up in pain as the sword formed next to her again. She grabbed it and spoke. "Bitch, using my own attack against me." Lilly wasn't even a Law Enforcer yet she was struggling. Damn, how strong were these people? [b]Chief Yoal and Gunter[/b] [@Bushman501] Chief Yoal looked around a moment before holding his hand out. "Show me who caused the fire." With that, his hand glowed with magic and he began to see a vision of the events of what happened before they arrived. Through seeing them, he could tell that some of the chosen heroes Julia had brought were decent people, but that didn't matter now. He looked to Gunter and walked up to him. "You caused the fire and so, you are my target. You are dangerous to this world. I cannot allow you to live." He held out his right hand and a staff appeared in it. He then pointed it at Gunter and spoke. "Prepare." Suddenly, he swung his staff creating a huge wave of electricity heading for Gunter. As it did he slammed his staff into the ground and out of nowhere, water shot down from the clouds, aiming to soak him from head to toe before the lightning hit. [b]Scourge[/b] [@luna558] Scourge looked around until he put his gaze on Patrica. He readied his Axe and began to walk up to her. The axe became covered in Blue Fire, he had enchanted it to kill anyone who had comitted a crime and right now, she had comitted two that he knew of. He ran up to her and jumped in the air. He came down and attempted to slash her in half with his axe. "Die Criminal Scum!" [b]Mordred[/b] [@Liotrent] Mordred looked to Aeris before grabbing his staff. He then chanted out softly. "Gods of Magic, hear my call. Give me the power, to kill all!" He held out his hand and suddenly wind appeared in his hand. He held his right hand towards Aeris and fired at him. The moment it left his hand it became a wild ball of wind, shooting through the air quickly. He then held out his staff. "Wind meets lightning, and strikes down my foes!" He shot a bolt of red lightning at the wind and with that the white wind turned red and headed even faster for Aeris. [b]Misuki[/b] [@PharaohAtem] Misuki looked around and immediately noticed another Kitsune. With that he disappeared and reappeared in front of Angela. "Are you ready for your execution?" He then smashed his sword down and immeditely, the sound of a super high pitched noise would shoot out around himself, Angela and Vixen, hoping to deafen them at the very least, but even more he hoped to literally make their heads explode with his sound waves. [b]Aizan[/b] [@Ryteb Pymeroce] Aizan was stood next to Misuki, being his brother amd all. When his brother left however he turned to look to Angela to see who his brother was fighting. He gave a nod then spotted Ryteb. He disappeared quickly and appeared in front of him. "It' play time." Wth that he stamped on the ground and as he did a huge hand came up and attempted to punch Ryteb. As it did he placed his hand on the ground. Quickly, Ryteb's shadow would try to wrap around him and bind him so he couldn't move. [b]Brick[/b] [@Afro Samurai] Brick had his arms folded, watching as the Law Enforcers picked their targets. He looked around and then spotted Zare. Her, with a small smile he walked up to her. "Hey, I'm afraid I can't go easy on ya just because your a girl." He smiled before running at her, as he did he held out his hands and clawed at the hair. His mouth opened slightly and cold air was coming out of his mouth. Just before he reached her he jumped up and attempted to breathed icy cold water at her that would freeze as soon as it touched, then as he came down he would slash at her with his icy cold claws. [b]Sai[/b] [@DragonKingUk] Sai looked over to Dante before walking up to him. He pulled his two swords out and immediately they turned on fire. Fire and forests didn't mix sure, however this fire would only hit it's intended target. Even if he did get fire on the forest floor, it wouldn't burn until it got Dante. He quickly ran up to Dante and span around, creating a flaming tornado to try to suck Dante in. As he did, he opened his mouth letting out electrity which made the flaming tornado into a elctric flaming tornado. [b]Sliver[/b] [@Infamous Empath] Sliver looked to D'ren before walking up to him. He gave a sly smile before clenching his fist. He hadn't had a good fight in a long time. "Well, I certainly hope you can give me a good fight." He smashed his hand to the ground and as he did the earth rose and formed into a wall. He then punched it and the wall headed towards D'ren. It would try and surround him and cruch him. He then ran up to him and tired to smash him with his right arm, the armour was thick and strong enough to break bone. [b]Bone[/b] [@Afro Samurai] Bone looked to Zara and saw someone was already fighting her, in fact, everyone was fighting. They were outmatched. Bone walked up to Zara with Brick and then he smashed his hands to the ground, instantly bones shot up to try and stab her. "Mind if I help?" He gave a sinister smile as he watched. [b]Blake[/b] [@DragonKingUk] Blake looked to Dante and walked up towards him. It seemed Sai was already fighting him. She smiled and then shot out cutting wind from her mouth, for now she would stay back and let Sai do most of the close combat fighting. [b]Reptile and Ming[/b] Reptile saw Lilly attacking Ming, she wasn't a Law enforcer and so he went over to make sure she could do the job. He ran up to her and attempted to stab his shield into her, as he did he let out a hot firey breath that would burn her to a chrisp. He of course made sure that if it hit the forest he could dipose of it quickly. [b]Elizabeth[/b] [@Bushman501] Elizabeth looked to Gunter, seeing the old Lalafell try and take care of him. She walked up towards him and then tried to grab Gunter with her tail to strangle him. This would hold him in place for Chief Yoal to finish him off. [b]Draco[/b] [@luna558] Draco flew towards Patrica and tried to stab her with his sword. As he did he roared loudly. His sword became covered his ice as he tried to attack her. [b]Crunch[/b] Crunch looked to Angela then walked up to her. He quickly ran towards Vixen and tried to do a large X slash against her back. As he did he shouted out loud his battle cry. "Mid Vur Shaan!" With that shout, all his allies would be able to attack faster, act faster and dodge quicker. [b]Salamance[/b] [@Liotrent] Salamance looked to Aeris before shouting out loud to him. "Ven Gaar Nos!" With that a wirlwind was created and headedn straight for him. He ran walked up to him slowly and armed his weapons waiting. [b]Fang[/b] [@Ryteb Pymeroce] Fang growled before walking over to Ryteb. He stared at him before speaking loudly. "Hah, you're fighting both of us now." He gave a small smile, waiting for a moment. For now he would see how he would handle his current attack. [b]Taigra[/b] Taigra walked over to Angela and smiled over to her. "I hope you can handle more than one enemy." He stabbed his claws into the ground and as he did, they would shoot up beneath Vixen and Angela. He laughed loudly, watching her carefully with his sharp eyes, [b]Nightstalker[/b] Nightstalker teleported behind D'ren and attempted to slash him with his claws. Then he teleported away and threw four throwing knifes at him with a snarl. He then grabbed his sword and got himself ready. [b]Taigress[/b] Taigress walked up to Julia and then snarled loudly. She ran up to her on all fours before standing up and attemping to slash her with her swords. [b]Stone and Destro[/b] Stone and Destro stood back for now. Right now they didn't need to get involved. They had more than enough people here to handle the criminals. (I decided not to add the rest, there was way too many and it was taking too long. They will be coming in later however.)