I have to view this issue with similar complaint. If you are going to be writing a post, at least in the high casual to advance tiers, I sort of assume you have a basic grasp of spellcheck and at least the respect to correctly write the names of the other characters in the roleplay. If you have repeatedly, several times over no less, failed to do this then it is nothing short of neglect. It speaks to a level of incompetence and disregard that irks me personally. Why? Because it is one thing to just have terrible grammar or be verbose - two things I am guilty of, namely because I never actually learned how to write in English - but it is another to utterly fail at the most basic levels, to include respect and effort for others. Yes, I accept typing on a phone almost universally erodes post quality for a myriad of reasons, but if you are [i]still[/i] incapable of spelling every few words correctly [i]and[/i] always getting a character's name wrong in it, you are either doing it on purpose to spite the other members or you just do not care. If it is the former, you brought that on yourself. If it is the latter, why are you in a roleplay you do not care about? See yourself out so that we are not constantly berating you for your laziness in posting and inability to spell the same character's name every post. As another note I might add, it is not even my character that is subject to this; I have no personal stake or bone to pick. Terribly frustrating, also the same individual who posts every four days, which is the story's maximum limit, and never poses a solution to the problems I bring up out-of-character about how portions of the game are being run mechanically. Perhaps I just have ongoing misfortune in this category, but I have never seen more careless roleplayers.