[center] [h1][b]Engel[/b][/h1] [hr] [img]https://mightyinspiration.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/child-angels-5.jpg[/img] Male / 13 / Harpocrates- God of silence, secrets and confidentiality [hr] [b]Personality: [/b] Engel is silent, silent to the point of being mute. He was born this way and while many may consider it a curse, it is actually a blessing. Maybe not for the person itself but it makes others around him open to him while Engel listens. Isn't that what people need most of the time? Someone to listen to them with no judgment? Someone to soak all their sorrows, frustrations, doubts, secrets, and in the end, to reply with a silent smile. [b]Bio:[/b] Engel was born to a mute nun in Germany. When she was sleeping a huge light resonated from her belly which seemed to grow at exponential rates during the next couple of months. The nun was only 19 at the time and lived a secluded life within the confines of the church environment. That and that multiple other nuns saw the brightness emerging from the chambers, accompanied by her sudden pregnancy led them to believe that it could only be a miracle. A couple of months later she would give birth to what would be described by the people present as the most beautiful baby they had ever laid eyes upon. And for the first time Agneta, as was the nun's name, felt blessed. See, her condition didn't come from some birth defect or mutation, it came from a traumatic and scarring event that transpired in her past. And for this miracle to be happening to her, no mortal on earth could describe her feelings. The child was raised in secrecy within the confines of the church. Everyone grew to love him and feel calm beside him. When he turned 10 and until his departure at the age of 13, nuns, priests and even the head priest started coming to him to confess. Some wanted guidance, others wanted forgiveness and his response was the same, with a smile he approached them, took their hands in his and leaned in for a hug. In that moment he absorbed all their self judgment, self doubt, released their sorrows and discarded their anger leaving them to be clear minded and put their spirit at ease. One night, when he had turned 13 a power approached him and gave him a purpose, a purpose for the power that he has and for the existence that he is. "Saying" his goodbyes only to his mother, who although understanding that her child had to go, was reluctant and despaired none the less. With trembling fingers and tears streaming down her eyes she took the silver necklace around her neck, opened it once more to see her picture on one side and her baby boy's on the other and gave it to Engel. With a final hug, which seemed and felt like ages for both of them, he turned to leave. Upon setting foot outside a white peregrine falcon emerged from the clouds above. With the silver lighting of the moon being reflected on it's back, it really looked like a second miracle. Circling the boy in a spiral while diving for him, it made contact with his back where it merged with him, giving birth to a beautiful pure white pair of wings. The transition was painful but no sound emerged from him. At last fused together, the boy took flight into the night sky, his angelic wings making no noise as they soared through the sky. For anyone who was looking at him at the time, it could as well have been a dream. He stopped aging when he was 9. It could be a blessing, it could be a curse. But everything that has happened to him, Engel knows it has a purpose. [b]Power and Abilities:[/b] People instinctively feel calm when near him. They feel that they can trust this child with anything that troubles their mind. They can trust him that he won't judge, they can trust him that he won't tell. Silence of the Body - The boy has the power to render a target completely soundless. Nothing they do, nothing that touches them produces a sound. This can be cast over a large area so that no sound is heard emanating from that place. Silence of the Spirit - The boy can silence the spirit. By doing so he can effectively separate the connection that something/someone has with the Deities. Be it an item or summoned creature he can nullify the item's properties or expel the summoned creatures who depend on their patron God to roam the Earth. If the creature has the power to sustain itself for the duration of the time that Engel channels his power then the power has no effect besides weakening the creature. It can also be used on demi-gods/titans/primordial gods to severs their link with their patron God. Nullifying any ability or excess strength that they have. But doing this is very taxing for the boy who is also vulnerable during the channeling. [b]Likes:[/b] Kindness Pureness Love Joy Fairness [b]Dislikes: [/b] Hate Anger Sorrow Envy Abuse and mistreatment [b]Family: [/b] Harpocrates - Father Agneta - Mother [b]Friends: [/b] Everyone at the church which he left behind [b]Sentimental Attachment:[/b] A necklace given by his mother when they parted ways. It has a picture of her smiling face on one side and his picture when he was a baby on the other. [b]Weapons:[/b] Nothing [b]Theme Song: [/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTvhR0lEtZM[/youtube] [hr] [h2][b]Horus[/b][/h2] [hr] [img]http://www.arrowheadology.com/forums/attachments/general-discussion-and-off-topic-craziness/152256d1385784557-hawks-falcons-eagles-010-copy-jpg[/img] Female / 1 / Peregrine Falcon [hr] [b]Pet Personality:[/b] She has become a part of Engel now, even when they are in separate forms. She is silent and only Engel can hear her but besides that he can also understand and communicate with her. When they are separate she will do everything to protect the child, his guardian. [/center]