[@Bishop] Right, I do have a couple of questions. Why did you go with the 'dying race' and 'save the princess' tropes? I mean, there's a million reasons why one becomes a mercenary, mostly linked to economic or historical factors, but you went straight for the 'more-or-less entire race wiped out' path. Seems quite odd to me that you'd do that. Secondly, why would he join a mercenary band at all? By your own admission, or from what I can gather, he is the foremost authority (or one of them) in his 'field' - so much so that he's even earned a nickname. Why would he not be too busy/too in demand to even bother coming to Taenarum in the first place? Surely he'd be too busy searching for the last survivors of his race or going on an assassination mission for someone somewhere? He honestly doesn't sound like a mercenary, he sounds more like a space dragon ninja assassin who be be more useful on his own than as part of a group. Lastly, he's a walking arsenal (I know, he's a dragon), how are most of the other players supposed to measure up to that? Even a veteran or group would be hard pressed to take him down. His body is made of a 'special metal', his tail is a blow torch, he can breath bursts of energy, and although his vision in the day is poor he nevertheless has goggles to counter this. Please believe me when I tell you that I'm not deliberately trying to knock you down, but your character just seems to go against most of what I asked for; there is little balance, his background tells me why he [b]wouldn't[/b] become a sword-for-hire, and overall he just doesn't fit. Now, whether you want to disagree with me (which is fine, I welcome debate), edit him or just retire completely is entirely up to you. [@Ozymandias] What seems to be the problem? Perhaps we can help. [@Iuniper] It is interesting...where's yours! :lol [@Jeyma] Pretty much. [@Tsar Gatto] Fair enough, I look forward to it. [@POOHEAD189] Again, I look forward to seeing what you come up with. [@Ulstermann][@Force and Fury][@Sovi3t] I'll assume you guys are no longer interested then, which is a shame, but fair enough.