[quote=@Raineh Daze] Checked it out, didn't appeal to me. Sorry. :T [/quote] No worries. We'll manage. [quote=@AtomicNut] Same as me. I will wait for the original gm a little while longer. [/quote] That's cool. I'm hanging around, too and still playing if GM returns. You're welcome to check it out again later, if the GM here never shows. [quote=@Spanner] Same for me. By what I could see from the initial introduction, it's not really my cup of tea... Still, I wish you luck in the running of the RP. I'm sure there'll be quite a few people interested in the setting. [/quote] That's just fine. Playing weak-ish characters bother a lot of people. We had a decent amount of interest the last time we did it but it eventually died 'cause I suddenly had to go in for surgery. [quote=@Rin] Yeah, um... Yeah. Hope you two have better luck with that one at least, though. [/quote] Thanks. We know we won't suddenly drop so at least the GM(s) won't disappear on us.