[@LostDestiny] [quote=@LostDestiny] [@jynmi88] I will PM you the flag and ship pics. As for the devil fruit, not all of them are that useful and cool it says in any description that they range from absolutely ridiculous to overpowered. Though it does allow her to hit her shots with anything, no matter error prior experience with it. Say she has never touched a bow in her life but knows the basic mechanics of it she would still be able to shoot it like a pro. I know it kinda sounds dumb but hey there you go. I will edit in her inventory though it will likely be the same as before. [/quote] Thank you. :) Oh okay. That works for me. :) Cool. Let me know when the inventory is up so I can look it over :) [@Archmage MC] [quote=@Archmage MC] [@jynmi88] No. Flight is the killer here, as nothing would stop them from just flying to Raftil. (A huge plothole of One Piece TBH.) Neat idea and all, but I find that way more broken than just straight deadpool regeneration tbh. I prefer defensive abilities, as I can break almost any offensive based one very fast I feel like. And thats no fun for anyone. [/quote] mmmmm. Yeah, I think you're right. I kind of just typed it out on a splurge of the moment, but after thinking about it for a bits broken as hell. I'm proud of the idea though. Never thought I'd see a balloon devil fruit that was way over powered. Might use it later on for one of the bigger threats, possibly an admiral. Also, a terra type logia could work. [@Asura] [quote=@Asura] Then you suffocate and die. It's really not as "broken" an ability as you claim it is. [/quote] It would be possible for the user to keep a few balloons with breathable air with them so Wouldn't freezing to death happen before suffocation?