[Center]Orion Armstrong[/Center] --- It seemed things were starting off well between the pair; at least they were in Orion’s eyes. The heir to the Sakanade Company was responsive to his jokes, and while she didn’t seem to be laughing, she was at least smiling. He had to admit, Arara was pretty when she smiled. He’d have to make an effort to make the smile the norm. Orion watched her look down at her own W.A.T.C.H. and was quick to follow suit. He noted the addition of her information onto the output screen of the device, as well as the Team NOVA thing they had going on. Wasn’t sure what that meant, in all honestly: The pairs had only just started to form, so it seemed unlikely that it the ‘N’ and the ‘V’ would be correlating to the other two members of their team. Instead, it seemed like an arbitrary word with ‘O’ and ‘A’ was selected and attached to the pair. It didn’t really matter to Orion, either way. Arara took a certain degree of initiative when it came to dealing with the finding of the cache. She quickly examined and integrated the information that she had then used in an attempt to retrieve the cache quickly and efficiently. The cache dropped down as she seemingly got closest; tantalisingly close even. Arara made noises of disapproval as she brought up the map on her W.A.T.C.H. which Orion glanced at, instead of bringing his own up. [B]“Seems like we found our cache, Orion.”[/B] Orion nodded silently as Arara begin to rotate her wrists clockwise, and then counterclockwise, she looked over the lake once, before she spoke again. [B]“I would like very much to just get this done with, but would you rather take the direct route of fishing the cache out of the lake, or going down an underground network and finding another access point to the lakebed?”[/B] Orion didn’t really need much thinking time over this question. He hardly suited an exploration mission, not to mention that fighting underground with such raw, unchecked power could be fatal. “I can’t be dealing with going underground for something that might not actually work. I can’t help but feel that a cache just…being in the lake is too easy though. How strong a swimmer are you?” Orion was working on an idea, just something minute in his head that might be useful, and would possibly stop him from getting any wetter. He couldn’t imagine his hat would maintain its shape atop his head if expose to any more water. “If you feel up for it, we could tie a length of rope or maybe a vine or something around your waist while you get swim for the cache. If I’m wrong, we are just a little over cautious and don’t have to worry about anything; if I’m right, I can pull you to safety. Sound like a plan?” --- [Center]Isaac Markeel[/Center] Isaac could have easily found the time to fight Rygar to the ground, when his opponent started to spout gibberish about the geological movements of myrmidons and about a possible nest in the east and then, the strange brat thought he should continue the building of a strong partnership by [i]insulting[/i] Isaac. Isaac had expected his infamy to be lesser in Signal, but for it to not exist at all surprised him to no end. Rygar had already hopped away from Isaac when he found himself ready to speak. He looked down at the watch; he saw the information he had hoped wouldn’t pop up- His official partnership with Rygar, and their team name, RiP. Isaac smirked lightly at the irony of the name, considering his fighting style, at least. “At least he isn’t a Faunus.” Isaac was not interested in following Rygar directly. He knew he wouldn’t need the brute and, while it was more than possible that the man’s fighting style and combat techniques would make for interesting watching: it made far more sense for Isaac to focus on completing the mission objective and going after the cache. He looked at the WATCH and, upon spotting the nearest cache, would head towards it; Rygar could go fuck himself, for all Isaac cared. If the battle hungry moron wouldn’t take the time to look at the map, it was his problem. “I’ll do well despite this 'partner', if I must.”