[b]The Cloud[/b] Multiplication was proceeding as planned, with plenty of material to draw on. Though it would not be visible to the naked eye, nanites would flow outside the factory to join the Cloud every second, so long as the environment allowed for it anyways. More units meant more processing power, which meant grater combat ability. There was no reason to not do this. Wind grew more intense, causing it to alter parameters and bondage strength. That would keep its disparate parts from flying apart in the wind, though combat effectiveness would be hampered. The presence of magic did the same thing, causing a shift in targeting priorities to those individuals who seemed unable to replicate the feat of catching bullets in midair. That would be a more effective use of resources. The incoming individual was picked up on sensors and it shifted to compensate. When Eve struck she would find her lance hitting nothing but thin air, the nanites having moved to avoid the blow for minimal loss. They would then quickly reform with a hold on the lance, keeping Eve from pulling it away. The entire mass then seemed to shift, changing to a form roughly equivalent in size to Eve herself. The purpose would quickly become clear as it positioned her between itself and her allies as a shield. Strikes then followed, with blackish tendrils weaving past armor to go directly for flesh and bone with an efficiency that was quite precise, and a lethality that was quite deadly when given time. The intensifying of the wind caused it to stumble, though its attacks merely lessened. The debris was more concerning, though it did its best to keep a hold on Eve. The sudden surge of power coming in the form of audible sound waves from Eos (as power was contributed and processing multiplied) made that much easier, and it would make sure to defend itself at long range too as new weapons formed, extending to the sides and firing at the nearest targets of opportunity. It would fight on. [@KoL][@Banana][@Lonewolf685][@Lmpkio]