[center][u][b]Rules and Guide[/b][/u][/center] 1- This is a role play based out of the city of RavenBlack which exists in the game Vampires! The Dark Alleyway. You do not have to have a character in the game to join in, but a lot of the powers and references in many of the RPs will be referring to the game. 2) Refrain from God-Mode. If you'd like to do something TO another character either leave room for their character to say that it doesn't happen that way or message them to make sure they're okay with you manipulating their character. This is true whether you want to chop off another character's arm or even if you just want to RP that they look at you with surprise...you cannot control another character without their permission. A good way around this is to say something like, "Gemma slashes with their knife against Herbert's arm with the intent of slicing it off, but blind with rage doesn't stop to confirm their success before going after their other arm in a similar way." That allows Gemma to act how she wishes, but also leaves room for Herbert to either confirm that an arm was sliced or say that Gemma missed. An example concerning emotion or facial expressions would be something like, "Gemma looked Herbert straight in the eyes as she drank the small gerbil's blood and, though she couldn't be sure, seeing as to how it was his beloved pet she was certain she had gotten a rise out of him." Again, this supposes and states how Gemma THINKS he feels, but acknowledges that this is not certain and leaves room for Herbert to say otherwise in his reply. 3- There are a lot of storieslines that will happen in this thread. Each different story line will have it's own title at the top of the post. If you want to reply to a specific storyline make sure your reply has the title clearly placed at the top so others will know where it belongs 4- Be aware and respectful of ((closed)) posts. All Role Plays in this universe are open unless stated to be ((closed)). When an RP is ((closed)) that means the writer doesn't want anyone to reply to them or that they believe their character to be in a place where no one else should be able to get to. If you'd like to reply to a ((closed)) post please message the person who posted it and ask.