Riley turned her gaze from the little cat to the buttons he was referring to. They were all strange, intricate patterns, like nothing she had ever seen before. Obviously a classic riddle, befitting of a fairy as devious as Howl. Her hands absentmindedly went behind her head, and she began working her hair into a braid. What do the symbols do? Whatever their meaning, she felt she had to make a decision quickly. This brought to her mind a small memory of home. Mum wanted to move house, to the midlands, but Da fretted with numbers until the home they had picked up was bought by someone else. Riley remembered Mum having a large argument with Da, using long words like 'indecisive' or 'tentative', as well as a great many words she said later not to repeat. Riley most certainly didn't want to imitate that behaviour, so she took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and pressed one of the buttons at random. It turned out to be the one on the far right.