[quote=@Mahz] [@Grimhildr] Good idea about having a "Players" tab. That's the most natural place for it. First-class character support would be dope. For example, would be pretty cool if the "Players" tab also showed the characters that each player was playing, and you could choose which character you were posting as when writing an IC post. That's the kind of data I'd love the Guild to know about. It would take some serious research to design this system well though. I started roleplaying recently on a secret account to get a feel for roleplaying again and regain an intuition for how things should work. In the meantime, maybe something as simple as a textfield for "Posting As: " (like in your mockup) would be sufficient. [/quote] yeah, i figured it'd take a lot of coding to implement a system like that, especially if you want it to be automated and whatnot. but thanks for listening to the idea and taking it into consideration, these new features and stuff have been really good and it's nice to see the guild having a breath of fresh air blown into it. *cough* i can't believe your 2013 mockups are better than mine *cough*