[b]February 18th, 2017;[/b] The ceiling fan provided the only noise in the reception office. It's dull combinations of whirr's and whooshes did nothing to help the dry heat that had overtaken the office. A lone man sat, curiously examining the file of one Marrianne Ellenheart. The man, apparently oblivious to the summer heat, scratched his chin thoughtfully. His grey suit and tie blending in with the dull office furniture around the central table he sat at, as he stared evermore into the intriguing profile that lay before him. ~~ Name: Marrianne Ellenheart Occupation: N/A Government affiliation: N/A Age: 9 Gender: F Reason for enlistment: Executive request ~~ He could not seem to get past that little detail. Who in their right minds would pull a seemingly random girl off of the streets upon 'Executive Request'? What kind of mad Executive would request such a thing anyways? He shook his head and closed the file, pushing it from his mind. He retrieved the green 'APPROVAL' stamp from a container to his left and stamped the now closed file. Their were stranger cases than this, and whatever the higher ups were planning had to be important. So he saw no reason for disapproval. [b]March 3rd, 2017;[/b] The man in the grey tuxedo had clearly lost his composure. His breath came in short gasps, and sweat dripped from his pours. This was not, however, an effect of highly unnecessary heat. No, what had caused the man's state of uncomfort and panic on this particular day, was the creature that was lurking in the halls just outside of the janitor's closet the man had forced himself into. He tried to silence his breathing, but that caused him to lose more of his already fleeting supply of air. He became more exasperated, and that in turn caused a bead of sweat to roll down his cheek and land in the mop bucket below his feet. The faint splosh sounded out, and the soft steps of the walker outside of his sanctuary seized. The man allowed himself a slow swallow and a small prayer. The creature began to approach the janitor's closet, an awkward shuffle of feet were all that sounded its arrival. The man was unable to think. He kicked the janitorial door open, knocking the creature to its back. The decayed, and rabid face looked to him with an expression of sheer malice. It launched itself through the air, landing on his chest. It began tearing and ripping at anything it could get its hands on. The creature teeth bit down on his chest, incurring a scream of terror and agony from the man. Strangely enough, his last thoughts were not of home, or his family, but of the little girl he had cleared for the CDC program a month earlier. He wished he could have taken her place, and his last moments were those of jealousy and agony, intertwined within a netting of broken hopes.. [b] The CDC Facility, April 7th, room 304 [/b] Marriane woke up in tears, she had, had another nightmare. She cried out for someone to help her, to comfort her in her time of need, but there was no one. Yet again all she had was the comfort of her teddy, and the company of a man named silence and a girl known as imagination. After a few minutes her tears turned to whimpers, and then even those turned into soft memories. She got up from her bed and slowly walked to her bathroom. She retrieved a paper cup and poured herself a glass of water. She weakly returned to her bed, cup in hand, greeting her teddy who awaited her loyally. She smiled and placed the cup on he bed side table. She squeezed her teddy for a while, burying her face into it and closing her eyes. She dreamed of better times, and wished for the day her sister came to get her to arrive. She already had planned out the entire first day they would spend with each other upon reunion. They would go to her favorite park, and there they would have the most beautiful picnic. It would be fall, and the freshly fallen leaves would crinkle in under her toes as she pranced through the beautiful landscape they created. She was so excited... And she could not wait..