[img]https://dncache-mauganscorp.netdna-ssl.com/thumbseg/197/197075-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img] [b][u] The United Kingdom Wiltshire [/u][/b] The British Isles were old, ancient, suffused with the power of magic. Druids had spun their circles and then came civilization and the advent of modern magic. The dark and the light had long been at war over the country's hidden places, long before the Ministry had codified what it meant to be good and evil in the world of the Arcane. Of all the regions of these isles, Wiltshire held many such hidden places, in the shadow of Stone Henge, the forces of magic had gathered for untold centuries. Not all of it was friendly. The rain beat down in a fierce torrent, even for the notoriously damp England, it was particularly noteworthy. The countryside was awash with flooding on a dramatic level. The kind that swept away the odd car, house and unfortunate cow like it was nothing. Thankfully they found themselves in a relatively protected locale, among the hills, valleys and woodlands of wild Wiltshire. This didn't improve Izaiah's mood much, as a fat droplet of rain rolled off a leaf above him, splatting on to his form. He internalized a moan as he crept forward. They were approaching their target, and any noise now, despite spells dampening such, would be to put them all at risk. Stone Henge was the most prominent druidic site in the nation, but it was not the only one, especially not in the pagan heatland of the Southern United Kingdom, many more were hidden away, some were still in use, and not all for peaceful reasons. The Aurors of the UK's ministry of magic had located one such community, of wild witches and wizards practicing arts beyond the law of the land, and beyond that, potentially either risking exposure, or the lives of any muggles that would stray near. Izaiah had a particular dislike for those who looked to use magic upon those utterly unaware and helpless to it, and as they had trudged through the cold and wet, that dislike had burned into hatred. He slunk his way up one more hill, slowly crawling forwards on his front, hood pulled up, until he was on the crest, still shielded by the forest, looking down into a clearing marked with stone circles and carvings. A host of figures gathered in the clearing, despite the weather, some chanting, while others placed ingredients of a sort into a large cauldron bubbling at the centre, the circles of stone and grass converging on spot. They did not anticipate great difficulty, but the life of an Auror was a dangerous one, even on their first true mission. Izaiah knew that the rest of the team would soon be in position, around the forested edge of the clearing. He'd drawn the short straw, so it was up to him to attempt their first ever peaceful arrest as a team. He paused pensively for a moment, before pushing himself to his feat, his wand immediately lighting up in a grand display, projecting the crest of the ministry. "This is Auror Izaiah Perntide of the Ministry of Magic, you are hearby ordered to-" He was interrupted by a cascade of shouting, and one particularly important, particularly illegal, spell being cast. He had only a second to react, diving forwards as the green bolt of power shot over him. "Ah, well, I never did enjoy boring." He muttered to himself, before rising up, immediately ready for what confronted him, as the rest of the Auror team leaped into action.