[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/qcZ1RfK.png[/img][/center] [center][h3][color=456097]Artoria, Master of the Maniacal Menagerie[/color][/h3][/center] [color=456097]"Youch!"[/color] Artoria said as she was whacked a few feet, tumbling onto her face, her phone that she was messing with carefully caught before it could smash against the floor. [color=456097]"Er, hey! I was totally being useful, or something! See, I'm um, ... Checking the visual feeds from our spies to pick the right point to strike at once my Gates of Tartarus finish filling with supercharged lava!"[/color] While a few hasty swipes on her phone made it seem unlikely that that was actually what she was doing before she held the phone up for Lucille to see, it was definitely what she was doing NOW. And the Gates of Tartarus filling thing was true. That was a power that needed some prep time to reach its full potential. [color=456097]"You can't just chuck me into an enemy fortress, ok well, yeah you totally could, but you can't if you want results any better than usual. I'm successful because I'm all smart and planny."[/color] [@TheWindel]