[Center][h2][color=teal]Mora Kingsly[/color][/h2] ---[/center] Mora watched as Grant overlooked her poor attempt at a conversation, even Lauren couldn't seem to find her way back to her previous lighthearted mood. Sighing she visibly shrunk in her chair, trying to make herself look as small as she felt at the moment. Lauren had already taken off to their cabin and everyone else seemed to happily chat with one another. She suddenly felt as if there was a thin piece of glass between her and the rest of the cadets. Suddenly she was much more aware of herself; the way she sat, the red marks on her neck, her unruly red hair that stuck out like a sore thumb. Mentally she began to pick at herself before her body stiffened with anger. 'Enough.' she quieted her inner doubts and brought the now cold dish to her lips. Chugging it down she let the horrid arrangement of ingredients distract her. By time she looked backed up and around, Jade, was no longer to be found. [Color=teal]"Great."[/color] she whispered. She was mad at herself, angry at the fact that she couldn't bring her friend back to smiling. That she resorted to picking apart herself. Angry that she let a simple brush off bother her. 'He probably didn't even hear you.' her thoughts whispered,trying to coax Mora out of the bad mood she created but that wasn't all. Mora was just; angry. She was powerless as a child. Powerless back when her family needed her the most and despite her training everyday- Shultz still picked her up and shook her like a rag doll. Mora had promised to herself that she'd never feel weak again but the ever growing sting that rose in her throat reminded her that she was not above destruction. Tearing away from the table with a huff she stormed quietly from the mess hall. She was tired, physically, but her mind wouldn't rest. Even as she strode out into the cool evening air she was bombarded with scattered thoughts and memories. [Color=teal]"Keep it together, Re."[/color] she hissed to herself. [I]"Ra-Ra."[/I] The voice echoed in the back of her mind causing her steps to falter. [Color=teal]"Dad."[/color] her voice was choked with emotion. Tears burned in her eyes. 'No.' she cried back. She didn't want to remember her fathers voice. His warmth. His love. She wanted to lay down. Mora wanted to rest. Instead she took off towards the training fields. Mora was never a great runner but she was decent, she could out race most average people plus it helped her clear her thoughts. So that's what she was going to do, she was going to run. Run as far and as hard as her weary legs would take her. Tears flowed feely, Mora didn't care by this point, no one would see her as she charged down in the direction Schultz had sent the other two cadets. She ran until her legs burned and sweat rolled down and matted her hair to her face. Mora kept going until her boot caught on her other foot, sprawling her down onto the earth with a loud thud. Rolling over she looked up into the star laden sky above her. [Color=teal]"I'm sorry."[/color] she whispered to the heavens,closing her eyes as the world around her began to warp through her tears. Mora didn't bother trying to get up. She didn't care if Schultz found her out there in the morning. All she wanted to do was rest.