[center][h2][color=#FFD967][u] [b]Tanner Harwell[/b] [/u] [color=#FFD967][sup][sup]Current Location: Wall Rose, Training Grounds Interacting With: Jade, Grant, Gabriel ([@wolverbells], [@LetMeDoStuff], [@LordVoldemort])[/sup][/sup][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/rX5zgAo.png[/img][/color][/h2][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/i6fLcHF.png[/img][/center] Not long after Tanner had spoken to Grant, he had as quickly disappeared into the sunset. His attempts to grab the attention of Gabriel were unnoticed by all but Reese, and Tanner went back to his soup when no one else had anything to say to him, yet Jade was always watching like a hawk. She presented a challenge, and Tanner agreed to it without another thought with a large smirk on his face. While he was anti-social, but that hadn't kept Tanner from seeking challenges in life. [color=#FFD967]"Don't expect me to lose."[/color] Tanner replied, confident in his abilities. He wasn't sure about Jade's assortment of talents, yet Tanner had trained for moments like these. Refusing to slack off like any normal child had finally paid off for Tanner, and he was more than ready to let Jade and the rest of the cadets know his true strength. For the rest of his meal, Tanner was as silent as a mouse. Usually Tanner was silent because he didn't want to speak with anyone, but he was watching Jade. He watched her carefully, not because Tanner had any current interest in her, but he wanted to see what he could learn about Jade. Jade's movements, her reaction speed - Tanner wanted to know everything that Jade could offer in a fight against him. His constant stare might've appeared creepy to the rest, yet Tanner was staking his right as a man. Tanner knew how bad of a situation he'd be in with the other cadets if he let Jade kick his ass during their combat training. The thought of Schulz continuing to berate Tanner for losing to a girl sent shivers down his spine, solidifying his resolve to win. As he slurped the last of his soup and devoured the final chunk of bread, Tanner stood up from his place on the table. [color=#FFD967]"It was nice meeting you all, but I'll be going now."[/color] Tanner stated, depositing his tray and other utensils he had used to eat. He glanced over to Gabriel, who still hadn't made a move from his position. Walking over to the cadet, Tanner gave him a loud pat on the back.[color=#FFD967]"Snap out of it, Gabriel."[/color] He said, turning to Reese. [color=#FFD967]"I think he might have a case of shell shock. Should we seek out Lauren to see if she can help? I heard that Schulz has been calling her the cadet medic around here."[/color] Tanner asked, waiting for a reply from Reese or a response from Gabriel before he left the mess hall.