[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#23D5B7]Beatrice Decker[/color][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/b946d015d42f4563bdb66a54eb1448ca/tumblr_inline_n1ly7iRhdf1sauf7l.gif[/img][hr][color=#23D5B7][b]Location[/b][/color]: The Rec Center (Building 7) ---> Beatrice's Apartment (Franklin Addition Building C3)[/center][hr][hr]Ray had already gotten and grabbed cake for Tiffany and himself, with Beatrice half expecting him to trip and fall over himself once more. It was a bit surprising to her, how much Tiffany let herself be waited on, but she made no comment. She kept her slight judgments to herself. To each their own, after all. She had known people before the outbreak who dated just for the free food. It was perhaps the only kind of romance that she [i]could[/i] understand. Nodding her farewells to Ray and Tiffany, Beatrice went to the slight queue that had formed for cake. Taking a piece of cake when it was her turn, Beatrice figured that she may as well take it home with her. She had no intention of dancing and things were dying down at any rate. Plus, she didn't even enjoy weddings. There was no real reason for her to remain there. The bride and groom, from what she could tell, had already left, so she couldn't go to congratulate them. The pair of strangers over with James was interesting, but she felt tired and cold as well. Leaving the rec center, Beatrice headed home with her peace of cake, deciding that she could consume it slowly while curled up in bed. Before the outbreak, she might have rented a horror movie to go with her sugary treat, but that was no longer quite possible. Life had turned into a horror movie of sorts, anyways. The walk home wasn't too long in her opinion, but she felt the bitter chill in the air, and she was glad to make it back to her apartment in the Franklin addition. She didn't know if the other apartment dwellers in the building were back from the reception yet, but she hardly cared. Beatrice set her piece of cake down by her bed and changed into pajamas, her legs still feeling a bit chilled from exposure, but it was nothing curling up with a blanket wouldn't solve. Moving into her bed, she pulled her knees to her chest and took a moment to breathe, before smiling slightly to herself and taking the first bite of her piece of cake. Her eyelids fluttered and she nearly moaned. [color=#23D5B7]"Damn that's good..."[/color] Beatrice murmured to herself, her mouth full of sugary goodness. Maybe weddings weren't so bad after all. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=00ccff]Ravi Chakrabarti[/color][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/c1d8b803fb118e8a5d21160c64b41bad/tumblr_inline_o9ry7tizrj1txmes7_250.gif[/img][hr][color=00ccff][b]Location[/b][/color]: The Rec Center (Building 7)[/center][hr][hr]Ravi's stomach growled in appreciation as James handed him over a plate of some of the most delicious food he had ever seen in his life. It wasn't what he usually ate before, but he wasn't going to turn down smoked pig, cornbread, roasted sweet potatoes, and the rest. Even if it was poisoned or something, there was a high chance he'd still eat it. He'd try just about anything once. [color=00ccff]"You do realize I lived in [i]'Merica[/i] before, mate?"[/color] Ravi asked, a bit incredulous. [color=00ccff]"I visited Nashville once on holiday. I tried the local cuisine."[/color] But he chuckled all the same, shaking his head at Gavin's antics. The man was incredibly passionate and today, the Southern food seemed to bringing out that passion. But to be honest, Ravi imagined Gavin would have been incredibly excited about [i]any[/i] kind of food that looked this good and so nicely prepared. It beat trail mix baggies. When Froggy returned with an elderly woman and Gavin wiped his hands on his pants, Ravi cringed. He didn't know why he expected much else, but he felt like even apocalyptic social etiquette would be to use a napkin or something, especially with everyone all decked out in their finery. Once he heard Miss Sally speak, hearing the accent, Ravi's eyes widened with joy, but he continued to cringe a bit in embarrassment from Gavin. [color=00ccff]"I'm terribly sorry, he means well,"[/color] Ravi said, teasing and excusing his friend simultaneously. He held out his hand to Miss Sally. [color=00ccff]"I'm Dr. Ravi Chakrabarti, it's a pleasure to meet you."[/color] It had been ages since he had heard another British accent and it definitely lifted his spirits even more. He once had had a nightmare, after all, that he started picking up Gavin's accent. It was a horrifying memory. The mention of a bath and a bed to sleep in brought a smile to Ravi's face, with the cake Mike brought them stunning him beyond belief. These must have been the kindest people to ever walk the Earth, for all they had done for them so far. He didn't even know if he could ever return the favor for these people. [color=00ccff]"Thank you all so much, this place is bloody brilliant,"[/color] Ravi said, waiting a moment before taking a bite into his cornbread. He wasn't sure whether or not to tell Gavin that damn, the food was [i]way[/i] better than the pub food he tried in Nashville almost a decade ago.