[@luna558] D'ren smirked at Patricia. And then the shouting began... [quote] "I can't believe you are that stupid! In fact, calling you stupid would be an insult to stupid people! We are in the Forest of Life! I just fucking told you that and your great idea is to blow it up? I swear, are you secretly working for the bad guys? Let me put this as clear as possible to you so you understand. Forest of Life dies, Guardian of Life dies, Guardian of Life dies, Tree of Life dies, Tree of Life dies, world dies, world dies, everything dies. Guardian of Life dies, Tree of Life dies, Tree of Life dies, Forest Of Life dies, and world die. If world dies, everything dies. Do you understand now? You can get your toys back when we actually need them, not when we are in the Forest of Life, you dumbass."[/quote] "Lame," he muttered in disappointment. [i]My universe wouldn't be affected. It's not even in the same multiverse as this one...[/i] And that was all he really cared about. [i]D'ren, enforcers are coming to kill you all,[/i] his fallen angel taunted. The unseen and unfelt dark creature whispered to D'ren in his mind. [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5up5B9n7ICA]And he replied, in kind.[/url][/center] [i]Alright, ya stupid cow. Finally, something worth killin'...[/i] [i]There are quite a few. You will need to read each of them carefully.[/i] D'ren scoffed outwardly at Samyazaii, which was probably visible to Patricia [@luna558] and Gunter [@Bushman501], the two "chosen ones" who were closest to him. Of course, he'd intentionally maneuvered himself to that position, still remaining at the back. He was no coward, far from it. But even though he was trying to be a better man, he still relished power, and when you watch people, you learn about them...and then you have power, [i]leverage[/i] over them. In fact, D'ren actually liked Gunter, enjoyed his company. Not enough to make him a slave or pet or anything, but still... Now, Patricia on the other hand... whole different story. Oh, if he were still an evil overlord from hell... But now was not the time for that, so he stopped eying her up and down. Instead he turned his gaze upon the animal-people. He shook his head and rolled his eyes at the hilarious entourage. Then he put his headphones back in his ears. D'ren grumbled, "Now all we need is a short bearded bloke with a battle axe and a pointy-eared tall purple chick and then it will be the Burning Crusades all over again." Before Scourge even moved, D'ren knew he was going to pick Patricia. He quickly whispered to Samyazaii, his fallen one, "She belongs to me." [i]Are you sure, D'ren?[/i] the evil angel chuckled. [i]Making deals with devils don't end well, especially with you.[/i] D'ren ignored her and turned to Patricia, his body passing through the invisible angel as he took her by the hand, for a brief moment. "If ye trust me, stay close to me." [i]I can do my job from afar, ya know...[/i] As soon as [@The One] Scourge's magic came to within a dozen feet of Patricia, the blue fire was extinguished. Similarly, the ice on Draco's sword melted into harmless water. From here on out, otherworldly powers of any type could not affect Patricia, as they did not affect her...'companion', D'ren. Since she saw Draco but not Scourge, D'ren drew his large curved sword and moved in front of her and caught Scourge's oncoming axe with his scimitar, deflected it aside, stomped on the haft - breaking it in two - and then swung the blade down onto the top of the little guy's head. Then D'ren pinwheeled through the air and landed behind Gunter. He ignored Gunter and his opponent for the moment, since he seemed to be ok...for the moment, and returned Sliver's smile with one of his own, a menacing one that had seen the depths of hell, quite literally, and sucked in the pleasures and horrors that remained in the blood of all the innocent people he had slaughtered. But behind the psychotic mania was a glint in the eye of a master tactician. Sliver said, "Well, I certainly hope you can give me a good fight." But when D'ren saw two or three gorgeous half-animal women attacking other squad members, D'ren's shoulders slacked. "I don't wanna fight ye!" he said, gesturing hopelessly to the females. "I wanna make them, like, my literal pets." He turned and walked toward one of them, just as Sliver smashed his hand into the ground. The earth rose up and formed a wall. He then punched it and the wall headed for D'ren, before crumbling at about a dozen feet out. D'ren completely ignored Sliver and probably didn't even notice a wall coming at him as he passed Blake, Sai, and Dante. [@DragonKingUk] Since Blake was not paying attention to him, D'ren just walked passed her, letting his arm hook around her neck, and dragged her with him as he approached Elizabeth. He held her trachea tight, making sure she couldn't breathe. "Oi!" D'ren shouted to Elizabeth. "Can't ya see that guy's no threat? He's got PTSD or some shite! Come save your bitch-ass lizard-bitch!" Still strolling casually (all offensive powers failing if directed at him), D'ren took an extra high step to knee Blake in the lung, making sure that even if she could breathe through her tongue or skin or other ridiculous reptilian means, she would still lose her breath in his grasp. [quote] [b]Reptile and Ming[/b] Reptile saw Lilly attacking Ming, she wasn't a Law enforcer and so he went over to make sure she could do the job. He ran up to her and attempted to stab his shield into her, as he did he let out a hot firey breath that would burn her to a chrisp. He of course made sure that if it hit the forest he could dipose of it quickly. [/quote] D'ren tripped Reptile as the monster ran at Ming; his hot fiery breath became merely hot stank breath. Seeing Elizabeth swing her tail at the man, and then Gunter bringing his blade to bear, D'ren's eyes went wide. "I don't want damaged goods, Gunty!" [@Bushman501] To his angel "friend": [i]Offer this imbecile a similar deal, minus the being my pet and being protected crap.[/i] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmYyPcEQKU4]D'ren heard two things next,[/url] nonsense from both enemy and ally. [@Liotrent] Neither spell or power or whatever it was would work on D'ren, or Patricia. Divine protection wouldn't work because God doesn't like D'ren very much, nor the winged bitch who sits on his shoulder, and the enforcers' increased speed and agility would fail within a couple meters of him. The Irishman sheathed his sword and drew a [url=http://cdn2.armslist.com/sites/armslist/uploads/posts/2012/08/27/534944_01_colt_1911_nickel_with_pearl_gr_640.jpg]pearl and silver-plated Colt .45 1911 handgun[/url] because... [quote][@Ryteb Pymeroce] Fang growled before walking over to Ryteb. He stared at him before speaking loudly. "Hah, you're fighting both of us now." He gave a small smile, waiting -- [/quote] "No he's not," remarked D'ren, still moving toward Elizabeth and Gunter, (and the old guy that D'ren literally ignored) as the former warlord of hell fired his pistol at range without looking away from Elizabeth, aiming precisely at the back of Fang's head. The bullet was guided by Samy. [quote] Nightstalker Nightstalker teleported behind D'ren and attempted to slash him with his claws. Then he teleported away and threw four throwing knifes at him with a snarl. He then grabbed his sword and got himself ready.[/quote] As Nightstalker slashed, D'ren parried by turning Blake into his initial sneak attack. Then the beast vanished. D'ren was like, [i]Finally, another enforcer is actually taking me serious.[/i] Samy's hushed, demonic voice echoed in the minds of both D'ren and Patricia: [i]I got it.[/i] When Nightstalker appeared again, throwing knives, he was immediately possessed by Samyazaii, who directed the blades at Reptile, who was probably now recovering from D'ren's trip and on his way for some payback. Samy/Nightstalker drew her sword, looking for the nearest Enforcer to slaughter. She settled on... [quote]Taigress Taigress walked up to Julia and then snarled loudly. She ran up to her on all fours before standing up and attemping to slash her with her swords.[/quote] ...but D'ren shouted, "No! I want her too! C'mon Samy! Ye know how this works! come back and possess this bint, I'm sick of carrying her!" Samy left Nightstalker's body, but not before making him disembowel himself. Samyazaii then possessed Blake and D'ren let go of her. "Protect Patricia. I can handle me-self." [quote] Stone and Destro Stone and Destro stood back for now. Right now they didn't need to get involved. They had more than enough people here to handle the criminals.[/quote] D'ren shot [s]at[/s] them.