[quote=@Drag] Man with the amount of smugglers and criminals Taletown is in a lot of trouble~ Swan looks okay to me, the non-curse thing miiiight be a slight thing since we'd need to discern what exactly she is and isn't immune to, I know you said jinxes and whatnot but wards and things are a little unclear. Also I'm unsure on where I stand with using Gingerbread man, on one hand he's fairly unlikely to be someone that a person wants to play since he's a bit more obtuse but that said if he were to be picked he#s kind of locked off as a character really, that said if he's the only one I can overlook it. I'll wait to see [@Crosswire]'s thoughts and if she's fine with the character then Swan can be added to the character's tab [/quote] Sounds good. For the Gingerbread Man, would it be easier if I took him as a second character? Are we allowed two? Also, Swan isn't immune to curses, only resistant to them. Thus if the curse was powerful enough, it could affect her. She only has resistance to low-mid level curses, stuff like jinxes, hexes and vooodoo spells (i.e. long term enchantments on her mind/body/soul). Wards, shields and direct attack spells (fireball!) still affect her.