Mikey sat by silently while everyone was slinging their emotions back and fourth. Fortunately, there were enough with the common sense to shut down Jenso's outburst, and the energy to control their emotions. Mikey cleared his throat after Alvios spoke, and tapped the table with his fist. "I wouldn't have brought this recording to your attention if I wasn't planning on keeping those women safe," Mikey interjected. "But Ada has no plans to kill them just yet. We can't let this encroach on our training regimen. That being said, I will allow you all a day to think this over. Oz has the right idea. I want to hear productive alternatives to [i]rushing their tower[/i] tomorrow morning." "The interior of the tower is no different from the exterior. Jeff's surveillance bot, albeit completely overridden by whatever magic Ada had implanted into it, relayed some useful information out way, though. Geode and I spoke this morning regarding the rock's makeup, and the energy signatures therein. Geode, if you would.." Geode nodded and stood up. "Despite the window revealed in Ada's room, there are no windows to be seen on the exterior of the tower. This is due to illusion magic, simple, yet refined, to hide all entrances. However, this is is made irrelevant by the fact that their tower is surrounded by some kind of dormant reality bubble, akin to what you'd find encompassing a pocket dimension. If I were to guess, that tower is not of this universe. If anything, it's more like an inter-dimensional [i]vehicle.[/i] With that in mind, magic attacks against the tower itself, unless imbued with dimensional mastery, which nobody here is capable if, would be useless. Fortunately, the tower is bound to our world, allowing physical matter to pass in and out harmlessly. But as you might have noticed from the surveillance outside.." Geode nodded to Mikey, who rewound the recording until it revealed the exterior, where the grass was all a hue and reddish green. "The bubble is affecting matter from our universe. It seems to be at a tremendously slow rate, but there's no telling what effects it might have on our bodies if we spend too much time in there. The stone itself, reddish in hue, seems to be made of matter from another world. I don't know what it is, but it's absolutely repellent of magic, and denser than anything I've ever seen before. It's arcane makeup is similar to that of carbon, if carbon had been training for ten million years on the [i]surface of the sun.[/i] It's indestructible, and likely only responsive to void energies. Additionally, I would like to draw attention to Ada's summons.." The recording rewound again until it paused on an image of one of Jeff's guard robots slicing through a Rajaka clone. "Slow motion." The recording played, and revealed that the clone was being damaged, but repairing itself immediately. "I've seen this before. It's a void magic, similar to consciousness crafting. Ada is creating this substance on command, and giving it sentience, programmed by her [i]own magic.[/i] It's much like what I've done with the elementals, and what they've done with you, but unlike a arcane system, or Ki, the void sustains itself. These creatures do not think, they do not eat, and they do not receive damage from physical attacks. The only way to destroy such a creature is.." "Something you'll explain later today," Mikey interrupted. "The point I'm trying to make, is that if they don't want us inside of the tower, we're not getting inside of that tower. Knowing these people, though, they'll be perfectly willing to let us in, and kill us at their leisure. That gives us one advantage over them that we must take, and use to its full potential.." Mikey rose his fist and clenched it tightly. "They're underestimating us. It's just as Alvios and Bruce have said. They think we're nothing. Maybe they're right... [b]Today.[/b] But in a week's time, we'll use our cohesive network of resources against them. Their leader is likely preoccupied, channelling that tear in the sky, as Geode's mentioned. So they won't be working as a single force. For all intents and purposes, they are merely [i]a collection of beasts, to be struck down one after another.[/i] If I'm right, then it's better than we feared. They [b]won't be working together.[/b]" Mikey smiled cheerfully and chuckled. "With that said.. I've a schedule set up for the rest of today." "In light of the newest information presented by Jeff's drones, I've chosen to call Oswald, Alvios, and Bruce to an earlier meeting, 9 am sharp. We will meet here, prior to everyone else, to discuss guerrilla tactics... Options... Possible routes to take against Ada's treachery to save the women in the tower. Geode will accompany us as well, as he does not need to sleep, and has the most extensive knowledge of void magic in this group." "Based on my analysis of your abilities, here are my highlights.." "Jeff, your power, among the group, in terms of physical might, arcane energy, etc is by far, the least formidable, by a [i]large[/i] margin. Your magical techniques are focused on offence, but they're easy to pick apart, and don't have much destructive power, making your fighting style like [i]swiss cheese.[/i] Above all, you cannot take as much damage as the rest of the crew. As far as statistics go, you are the weakest of the trumps," Mikey admitted, a little downed by the reality. He smiled and spoke louder, so that Jeff could hear his voice through the record he'd left behind. "However... Your arcane energy is also the most viscous. Your Ki moves faster than anyone's. I've classified it as [i]'grey Ki'[/i] or [i]Gyki[/i] for short. From my old city's studies, people with Gyki are absolutely alien to the idea of Ki control. Gyki is actually one of the more common Ki types. I thought it impossible to manifest, and yet... You can form Arki with it, somehow. I'm actually kind of blow away!" Mikey nodded and looked down. "Your potential for physical speed is phenomenal, outclassing the rest of our trumps. You may have the lowest strength, poor arcane energy limits, and an irrelevant healing factor, but with the way you harness your Ki, none of that matters. As far as Ki control goes, all of your offence will lie with your Arki manipulation. So you'll be training with me, mostly." Mikey put Jeff's review down and sighed. "Your sage mode is likely your greatest asset. If I had to match you against the order, you would work best against Rajaka and Zelriane." "Next up, we have Bruce. I've gotta say, you've got one of the largest energy pools I've every seen. Your power and manipulation abilities stretch far, and you may have the broadest Arcane control out of all of us, including me and Jenso. That being said.." Mikey sighed. "As far as control goes, your arcane abilities possess the lowest potential for offence in a 1-on-1 encounter. I noticed it when we fought as well. You're quick with a blade, but your earth manipulation is slow, easy to read, and requires the element to exist prior to use. It seems you harness magic in a similar fashion to Jeff. But you use your arcane abilities in poor fashion. Unless we end up fighting something [i]titanic[/i] in stature, much like Prisma, or an [i]entire army,[/i] your abilities might be of little use against the order. But your stamina allows for extensive Ki usage, and you share the same Ki type as Jenso, [i]Yellow Ki.[/i] Your Ki control is formidable, but it lacks rigidity and focus," Mikey rose one hand and summoned a rushing geyser gauntlet that glowed brightly. "Even with my sub-par Ki, I can match the strength of your Ki with Arki, something that should not be possible. That being said, your astonishing Ki supply should allow you to redouble your energy several times over. If used properly, the weapons you summon should be able to outmatch even Gaian weaponry. Ross will help you with your training, for the most part. With his knowledge of Gaia, Gaian weapons, and earth magic, it would be most beneficial. For all Ki theory, you'll be paired with me," Mikey announced. "If you play to your greatest strengths, It's likely you would be able to fight against Adarine, or Nexus. Our knowledge on Nexus is minimal, but seeing how he's the only member to wear fully functioning armour, I imagine he is trained in some form of martial art using weapons." "Alvios, you were more difficult to review. "Your Ki supply is, by far, the lowest of the trumps. But the brilliance and sheer power behind your attacks competes with Jenso, and that's saying something. This is mainly due to how focused your Ki is. You also possess a rare Ki type, [i]white Ki,[/i] or [i]Weki[/i], It bestows astounding regenerative properties to its wielders, and even allows you to heal the wounds of allies. Unfortunately, your arcane manipulation seems nearly non-existent. Without it, the versatility of your techniques is gimped rather severely... Or so I thought." Mikey shrugged. "That being said, you expend energy too quickly. Although your Ki restores itself at an astonishing rate between encounters, if you are unable to take down targets quickly, you'll burn yourself out before you can say [i]sunny side up.[/i] I imagine you're already aware of this. Regardless, conserving your energy, supporting allies, and applying care to your movements is crucial. I'll be helping you with Ki control, but out of all the trumps, your ability to manage your energy is already superior. If anything, awakening your arcane network might serve you better in the long run. If anything, I'll have you assist Bruce and Jenso in Ki control methodology." "Finally, Oswald. I've never seen Ki like yours before. It's almost as if it's.. Not even Ki. Blue Ki is unheard of. From the looks of it, your physical stature and durability are superior to that of the rest of the trumps. You may not possess superior regeneration like Alvios, or strength like Jenso, but your bones, flesh, and mind.. They're like an iron fortress! Your Ki is also naturally resistant to the void, something Geode mentioned to me while we were speaking.." "It's not just naturally resistant," Geode interjected, "It pairs with the void, like it was meant to produce [i]Veil.[/i] Your Ki, it's similar to mine, in more ways than I'd like to admit," Geode admitted, "Manipulating the aspects of reality, gravity, momentum, vacuums, usually requires an astonishing arcane affinity. There are few outside the elves with capabilities like that. And yet, your Ki allows you to do so with ease..." "But," Mikey stopped Geode, "much like Alvios, your arcane network is untapped. Unfortunately, I have no idea how your magic works. With that in mind, Geode will be your mentor, in the following weeks." "Lastly, Jenso. You possess Yellow Ki, and yet.. Somehow, your limits are unseen. It's like your Ki grows naturally every day, without any signs of stopping, at an alarming rate, simply through use and abuse. However..." Mikey frowned and shook his head. "Your Arki manipulation is atrocious. It is completely unfocused, defeating the purpose of Arki. Your Arcane abilities are also absolutely littered with holes. Overall, your fighting style is the [i]worst[/i] of the trumps, despite your potential far outweighing anyone here. Most noticeable, is that while not using your overheat form, of OWN form, you are actually quite weak in comparison to the rest of the trumps. Even fighting me, as I am now, I could likely defeat you in your base form easily." Mikey continued. "When using omega overheat, you tap into your overwhelming Ki by pumping Arcane energy into your soul. I should have mentioned this, but I'd never gotten a chance to look at your form close up. That is [i]not how Arki is used.[/i]" Mikey shook his head. "With overheat active, you are literally [i]attacking your Ki[/i] to bring its potential fourth. It's like prodding a small animal with a stick. It might fight back viciously, but sooner or later-" Mikey paused and looked at his noted. "It'll die." He grabbed his head and rustled his hair for a moment." Your Ki is resilient, but your stamina is not. That's why you can't fight for prolonged periods of time without tiring yourself out. This carries over to your Own form, as well... The issue with OWN is that, its purpose is solely to overclock one's Ki. It literally pushes it to output as much energy as possible, with no regard for the soul's natural restrain. If you keep using that form, not only will you exhaust yourself, but sooner or later, [i]you will die."[/i] "'fraid so, Jenso-boy," Ross cut in, his voice drained of all passion, "'s how old Seiner died. It's also how I put my familiar into a coma.." "Right.. With that in mind, our main goal is just... Teaching you how to use your energy..." Mikey took a deep breath and looked back to his notes. "Training, every day, with me, Geode, and Ross." "Today is the only day planned, so far. I still need a feel for your individual growths..." Mikey looked at the final sheet on his binder and cleared his throat." "3 PM, following this meeting, I will be talking about Ki control with Jenso, Jeff, and Bruce. Ross will accompany me as well. Following that, Ross and Bruce shall work further, while Luke, on his order, will be working with Jenso, Oswald, and Jeff on strategic alignment.. Whatever that... Means?" Mikey looked at Luke, who was still sulking over the situation with Melina and Ada. "Right.. Proceeding this, Geode will be meeting with all of us, and reviewing our first target, Ada. That is all I have planned for today. Tomorrow, we will review this [i]Ada[/i] mishap. For now, I bid you all a good day..." [center][hr] [h1]~ End Of Chapter 136 ~[/h1][/center]