[color=1b1464][b]Governor of New Houston and President of the Confederation Harris[/b][/color] “I certainly agree, President Harris. While His Serenity could unfortunately not make it today, the first matter on his agenda for us was ensuring mutual security and friendship for the Gulf nations. As His Serenity sees it, our fair Gulf is under potential threat from all around, and we seek to encourage peace in the region to ensure prosperity for the Keys and all of its friends. As for the pirates, Bartholomew would probably be more well-equipped to answer that question.” It was good the Keys saw things similarly. Otherwise, progress in the South would only go backwards. He smiled widely, while also inwardly wincing. He knew his smile wasn’t what it once was. “I’m glad His Serenity’s thoughts are parallel to ours. I believe together we can make a prosperity zone rivalling and exceeding the NCR- FZM area.” He turned to Bartholomew. “I would be delighted to hear his knowledge on the pirates.” The younger man eagerly took up the conversation. That energy was impressive. “Our main trade routes have been secured and the pirates have been pushed to their old strongholds in the south. Instead, our focus has now turned to the Atlantic side of the southern states, where those lawless vagabonds have been capitalizing on our growing trade in the North. As for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, they have proven to be good trading partners and peaceful folk, but we have yet to engage in any further political negotiations with them. The Cult, however…” Bartholomew shot a quick glance at Alexander. Harris was caught off guard by this tiny piece of body language, but he noted it carefully. Alexander having a connection to the Cult would be something to be aware of the rest of the meeting. “They are a wild faction, certainly, though they have shown a willingness to accept our traders. The claims of… supernatural power coming out of their lands have yet to be officially confirmed, and we in the Keys suspect something more mundane is at work instead.” “They sound like dreadful people, though their acceptance of trade is something to their credit. I’m sure you’ll remember a great deal of my people still belong to the old world Christian faith, so this cult would not be admired much by my constituents. But I’m glad you think their power is only practical.” Harris shot a quick glance over to Cult’s delegate, whom he supposed had been the girl Bartholomew had been talking with earlier. A feeling of great unease came over him, along with an unnatural desire to…. follow. He shook it off by forcing his gaze back to Bartholomew. His wasn't sure if he believed his last words anymore. “And umm… yes, the Commonwealth sounds like a potential ally in our goal of bringing prosperity to our part of the country. A free country such as theirs would most likely see eye to eye with us. And I’m pleased the pirates no longer threaten the gulf.” Then Angela came back with John Lenix, the older once Dictator of the Angels of War. "Friends! What a nice day for a war don't you think?" He enthusiastically shook the hand of every delegate in the small cluster from Texas and the Keys while making an obviously artificial bright smile that widely split his weathered face. "Our relations with the Confederation of Free Texan States are as strong and firm as ever, inseparable allies I'd say. We had your back in the last war and you've had ours ever since and we think it would be in our best interest for us to continue this policy.” While the man’s skills in diplomatic tact were never fantastic, his goals were good. They had met and strategized together on many occasions during the Hoover War, and had dispensed with political niceties in favor getting the business of war done. Harris smiled, but not so widely as before. “I’m glad you think so Lenix. I’m inclined to agree. Some in my nation may call to abandon hiring your men, but me and Governor Rivera still appreciate your work. You’ll be sure to get your contract renewed at a generous price.” Bartholomew interjected. “Perhaps we could all discuss the details of a formal agreement over dinner somewhere else? The Tops is an excellent location, from what I’ve heard. We could invite the Commonwealth in Pennsylvania, if you wish, President Harris.” “Yes today’s meeting does seem to be wearing down doesn’t it? Dinner would be a better time for all of us to discuss these matters. Inviting the Commonwealth sounds like a fantastic idea too. If anything, they can learn more of our nations and we can learn more of theirs.”