Another quiet day at the bakery. Alek finished serving his second customer of the day and, when in the back of the store, quickly ate a warm cinnamon bun and returned to the front counter, waiting to see if a third customer would enter. He was actually glad that he didn't get too many customers. He was as timid as a rat in a rat and he could also turn into one, which he often thought suited him quite nicely. He really didn't like being around people but, as the owner of the only bakery in town, interaction was unavoidable. He was just beginning to think about having another bun when he heard a sound in the back room. His heart sank. It wasn't the thought of someone stealing his baked goods that scared him, but the thought that he would have to talk to them or get them out of the shop. He reluctantly walked towards the room in which he heard the noise. His heart was beating fast by the time he got to the door. He slowly opened it to see a short, pale man with dark hair. Alek had never seen this man before, which was odd because he tried to know everyone in town, even if he never talked to them, so he knew who to be wary of. He did not like this. "H-Hello? Are you stealing? Please leave before I have to call the authorities." He stuttered, trying to sound like he wasn't nervous (and failing).