[h3][center][b][i][color=f6989d]Hibiki[/color] & [color=6ecff6]Shizuka[/color][/i][/b][/center][/h3] [center][hider=Operation Start][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdIH4RwR57Y[/youtube][/hider][/center] Neither Hibiki nor Shizuka wasted time on formalities during this battle. As High Queen Eos herself was participating, both commanders arrived promptly and proceeded to commandeer the exosuits stored at KC-00032. Hibiki took the Alpha Exo-Skeleton while Shizuka manned the Beta Exo-Skeleton. They left the Gamma Suit behind, however Hibiki made sure to secure the Gamma suit with high yield explosives; in the event that it falls into enemy hands, Hibiki would detonate these explosives to destroy the suit and whoever had it. They could be disarmed of course, with Hibiki's permission. Knowing the power these suits had she also kept a monitor on the Gamma suit to ensure that if anyone tampered with it, she would know. Once geared up the two sisters headed straight to battle. [color=6ecff6]"Sosti ola adora, kantia tasa."[/color] Speaking her improved incantation, Shizuka armed herself with wings, continuing her chanting to grant a set for Hibiki as well. Once outside the two sisters split off after Hibiki gave her the plan. [color=f6989d]"The demons and angels intend to destroy us entirely; attacking each other is not their priority. No prisoners. No mercy."[/color] Without breaking her chanting SHizuka nodded. An explosion from within the factory caught Shizuka's attention and the two sisters shared a brief glance. [color=f6989d]"Go. I'll do my part here."[/color] With a nod Shizuka finished her chant and gave Hibiki wings, which she proceeded to use to take flight and aim her biotic rifle towards the oncoming angels. Hibiki could easily recognize Torag's form leading the army, though there were a few new faces that Hibiki has not seen before, but could recognize their power. The most notable was some sort of snake-like person using magic to shield herself from the fortress's onslaught. There was also another who Hibiki knew as Ceil the Stargazer. Based off what limited information the Machina had on her, she was a powerful sorcerer of some sort. Her motivations and exact powers weren't known, but given the hurricane that just impacted the fortress Hibiki considered her a threat as well. Stabilizing herself admits the roaring winds Hibiki ran a few quick simulations in her mind. Taking account the wind, her bullet, and the power given to her by Eos as well as any that may be augmented by the suit, Hibiki seemingly aimed her gun in the direction of no one in particular. She fired three shots, each of them roughly coordinated to strike Ceil. Among all the chaos from Ceil's hurricane and the rage of battle Hibiki was confident that even she wouldn't notice these three bullets cutting through the air, riding the very same wind she intends to use to tear apart the fortress, heading straight towards Ceil's chest and head. But just in cast she does, Hibiki moved and sought a better vantage point to snipe from. Meanwhile Shizuka went back inside the factory to face the demons who had infiltrated. Finding them was easy enough: All she had to do was follow their trail of destruction and the sound of steel against steel. She was getting reports of a crimson knight breaking through the back entrance of the fortress, so Shizuka wasted no time getting there. Once she arrived she saw the hulking figure; an armored demon tearing apart the soldiers and defenses. [color=6ecff6]"Idia santiri asa madia dita!"[/color] The red warrior would find his next blow to fail to kill any soldier or break any fortification as a magic barrier of divine origins parried the strike. If he would turn to look at Shizuka, he would see her wielding her new weapon: Azazel. A giant gun enchanted by Shizuka's own magic as it fired a rain of blessed bullets right at him, filling the room with bullets. With the addition of High Queen Eos's performance, Shizuka's shots seem to take on otherworldly attributes, causing bullets that missed to ricochet off the walls behind him and back towards the demon. No doubt that this demon was made of sterner stuff than most however. But Shizuka was ready for him, whether or dies, runs away, or tries to close the distance. [@KoL][@Lmpkio]