[color=goldenrod][h3][u][b]Registration of Current Nobles[/b][/u][/h3] [b][u]The Name of the Noble:[/u][/b][/color] Cheick Bosanda [color=goldenrod][u][b]The House of which said noble belongs:[/b][/u][/color] House Bosanda [color=goldenrod][u][b]Current Age of said Noble:[/b][/u][/color] 26 [color=goldenrod][u][b]House History:[/b][/u][/color] Tradition holds that House Bosanda is the oldest of the 10 Houses, and this may well be true. Long, long ago, the diverse and squabbling clans of Handon's eastern savannah were united under the rule of a line of priest-kings, terrible in war yet generous in friendship, and wise in the ways of that land's Four Gods - the Lion, the Spider, the Eel, and the Stork. These priest kings were the early Bosanda, and their people were and are fanatically loyal to them; only a Bosanda will ever truly rule their lands. When the ten houses united, House Bosanda threw their support behind the new kingdom unconditionally; they pride themselves on being a generous ally and a staunch protector to the king and the other houses. Though peace and prosperity reign in Handon, the armies of House Bosanda have not forgotten their history as warriors and conquerors, and remain ever vigilant for a threat to the peace of the realm. For time immemorial, leadership in House Bosanda has passed from father to eldest son in an unbroken line of lords. Traditionally, the Lord of House Bosanda serves three roles - the first is as a military leader, for every son of Bosanda is trained in the arts of war from the moment they are able to grip a weapon, and the old Bosanda were said to always lead from the front (though in recent days, this role has fallen to less prominence). Second is as religious leader, for the lord of House Bosanda is said to have the greatest connection to the Four Gods, and the old faith remains strong among the people of the east. He is expected to provide the blessings of the gods to any of his vassals who seek him out, and is an important figure in many holidays and religious occurrences. Finally, he serves as representative of his people and peer of the other lords of the realm, for Bosanda's connection to the other houses is strong, as it always was. [hider= Banner] [img]http://www.mytribe101.com/crest/cache/maker/ZwyTR7OCbyfZ6T7dWJUibg.jpg[/img] [/hider] The banner of House Bosanda is simple - red and yellow, the colors of the Savannah sunset, with a stiff stripe to indicate their military prowess. The image of the Lion represents the god that the house associates itself with most closely, for their ferocity and courage. Rather rarely, it is considered a minor religious infraction to paint this symbol on anything but a shield, making it a 'banner' in name only; for House Bosanda believes themselves to be the aegis of the realm, and has no patience for silken things. [color=goldenrod][u][b]Lands and Ownership:[/b][/u][/color] The Eastern Savannah - a large expanse of plains on the southeastern coast of Handon. There are a variety of small villages and towns that swear fealty to Bosanda, though the jewel of the Savannah is the walled city of Konsak, also known as 'The Glass City'. This is the largest settlement in the Savannah, and the traditional seat of House Bosana. Most of their people are farmers or fishermen, though they boast a larger-than-average army of elite warriors, and the skill and art of Konsak's smiths and glass-blowers are well-known throughout the kingdom. [color=goldenrod][u][b]Autobiographical Knowledge:[/b][/u][/color] Cheick is the eldest son of the current Lord Bosanda, and he has been groomed for leadership his entire life. Ever the dutiful son, he studied the teachings of the Four Gods, practiced his skill at arms and sat through lesson after lesson about history and courtly tradition from a young age, as all eldest sons have before him. He is well beloved by his people, though his stoicism and silence are a stark contrast to his father's boisterous good humor. Cheick has two siblings, a sister and a brother. His elder sister Aya is a powerful sorceress, believed by her parents to have been blessed by the wisdom of the Spider from a young age - the two are very close, and she is his most trusted confidant. He is more distant with his younger brother Ajak, a frail and sickly young man who was never quite up to the rigorous expectations of his household, and reacted to this difficulty via resentment of his prodigal brother. His father is an old man; though in his childhood Cheick knew him hardly at all, so busy was he with the Lord's duties, the two have become increasingly close as Cheick prepares to accept his father's responsibilities, though his father has not given up encouraging him to smile more and sing louder. "You have the strength of the Lion, and the Spider's wisdom, my son," he is so fond of saying, "But the Eel and the Stork are mysteries to you." As to whether he has any ambitions in his life aside from serving in the office he is destined to, the answer is simple; he has never been allowed to, and he knows this. His role has always been clear; the solemn son, the warrior prince, raised in a land of beating sun in a City of Glass, friend to the people of the kingdom and peer to the great houses. Outwardly, this is his only identity, yet in private moments he admits to himself an abiding loneliness; for though the Lord of Bosanda must always be available to his people, he has never truly known a companion, someone he may be at peace with. [color=goldenrod][u][b]Portrait:[/b][/u][/color] [img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/3d/9c/e5/3d9ce5e83c111f8af11d9edd40a18903.jpg [/img]